Source code for faust.types.tuples

import asyncio
from time import time
import typing
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import (

from .codecs import CodecArg
from .core import HeadersArg, K, OpenHeadersArg, V

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from .channels import ChannelT as _ChannelT
    from .transports import ConsumerT as _ConsumerT
    class _ChannelT: ...   # noqa
    class _ConsumerT: ...  # noqa

__all__ = [

MessageSentCallback = Callable[['FutureMessage'], Union[None, Awaitable[None]]]

[docs]class TP(NamedTuple): topic: str partition: int
[docs]class RecordMetadata(NamedTuple): topic: str partition: int topic_partition: TP offset: int timestamp: Optional[float] = None timestamp_type: Optional[int] = None
[docs]class PendingMessage(NamedTuple): channel: _ChannelT key: K value: V partition: Optional[int] timestamp: Optional[float] headers: Optional[OpenHeadersArg] key_serializer: CodecArg value_serializer: CodecArg callback: Optional[MessageSentCallback] topic: Optional[str] = None offset: Optional[int] = None
def _PendingMessage_to_Message(p: PendingMessage) -> 'Message': # CPython3.6.0 does not support methods on NamedTuple [ask] # In-memory channel.send uses this to convert # PendingMessage to Message. topic = cast(str, p.topic) partition = cast(int, p.partition) or 0 tp = TP(topic, partition) timestamp = cast(float, p.timestamp) or time() timestamp_type = 1 if p.timestamp else 0 return Message( topic, partition, -1, timestamp=timestamp, timestamp_type=timestamp_type, headers=p.headers, key=p.key, value=p.value, checksum=None, tp=tp, )
[docs]class FutureMessage(asyncio.Future, Awaitable[RecordMetadata]): message: PendingMessage def __init__(self, message: PendingMessage) -> None: self.message = message super().__init__()
[docs] def set_result(self, result: RecordMetadata) -> None: super().set_result(result)
def _get_len(s: Optional[bytes]) -> int: return len(s) if s is not None and isinstance(s, bytes) else 0
[docs]class Message: __slots__ = ( 'topic', 'partition', 'offset', 'timestamp', 'timestamp_type', 'headers', 'key', 'value', 'checksum', 'serialized_key_size', 'serialized_value_size', 'acked', 'refcount', 'time_in', 'time_out', 'time_total', 'tp', 'tracked', 'span', '__weakref__', ) use_tracking: bool = False def __init__(self, topic: str, partition: int, offset: int, timestamp: float, timestamp_type: int, headers: Optional[HeadersArg], key: Optional[bytes], value: Optional[bytes], checksum: Optional[bytes], serialized_key_size: int = None, serialized_value_size: int = None, tp: TP = None, time_in: float = None, time_out: float = None, time_total: float = None) -> None: self.topic: str = topic self.partition: int = partition self.offset: int = offset self.timestamp: float = timestamp self.timestamp_type: int = timestamp_type self.headers: Optional[HeadersArg] = headers self.key: Optional[bytes] = key self.value: Optional[bytes] = value self.checksum: Optional[bytes] = checksum self.serialized_key_size: int = ( _get_len(key) if serialized_key_size is None else serialized_key_size) self.serialized_value_size: int = ( _get_len(value) if serialized_value_size is None else serialized_value_size) self.acked: bool = False self.refcount: int = 0 = tp if tp is not None else TP(topic, partition) self.tracked: bool = not self.use_tracking #: Monotonic timestamp of when the consumer received this message. self.time_in: Optional[float] = time_in #: Monotonic timestamp of when the consumer acknowledged this message. self.time_out: Optional[float] = time_out #: Total processing time (in seconds), or None if the event is #: still processing. self.time_total: Optional[float] = time_total
[docs] def ack(self, consumer: _ConsumerT, n: int = 1) -> bool: if not self.acked: # if no more references, mark offset as safe-to-commit in # Consumer. if not self.decref(n): return self.on_final_ack(consumer) return False
[docs] def on_final_ack(self, consumer: _ConsumerT) -> bool: self.acked = True return True
[docs] def incref(self, n: int = 1) -> None: self.refcount += n
[docs] def decref(self, n: int = 1) -> int: refcount = self.refcount = max(self.refcount - n, 0) return refcount
[docs] @classmethod def from_message(cls, message: Any, tp: TP) -> 'Message': return cls( message.topic, message.partition, message.offset, message.timestamp, message.timestamp_type, message.headers, message.key, message.value, message.checksum, message.serialized_key_size, message.serialized_value_size, tp, )
def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'<{type(self).__name__}: {} offset={self.offset}>'
[docs]class ConsumerMessage(Message): """Message type used by Kafka Consumer.""" use_tracking = True
[docs] def on_final_ack(self, consumer: _ConsumerT) -> bool: return consumer.ack(self)
[docs]def tp_set_to_map(tps: Set[TP]) -> MutableMapping[str, Set[TP]]: # convert revoked/assigned to mapping of topic to partitions tpmap: MutableMapping[str, Set[TP]] = defaultdict(set) for tp in tps: tpmap[tp.topic].add(tp) return tpmap
# XXX See top of module! We redefine this with final FutureMessage # for Sphinx as it cannot read non-final types. MessageSentCallback = Callable[ # type: ignore [FutureMessage], Union[None, Awaitable[None]]]