
Debugging with aiomonitor

To use the debugging console you first need to install the aiomonitor library:

$ pip install aiomonitor

You can also install it as part of a bundle:

$ pip install -U faust[debug]

After aiomonitor is installed you may start the worker with the --debug option enabled:

$ faust -A myapp --debug worker -l info
┌ƒaµS† v0.9.20─────────────────────────────────────────┐
│ id        │ word-counts                              │
│ transport │ kafka://localhost:9092                   │
│ store     │ rocksdb:                                 │
│ web       │ http://localhost:6066/                   │
│ log       │ -stderr- (info)                          │
│ pid       │ 55522                                    │
│ hostname  │ grainstate.local                         │
│ platform  │ CPython 3.6.3 (Darwin x86_64)            │
│ drivers   │ aiokafka=0.3.2 aiohttp=2.3.7             │
│ datadir   │ /opt/devel/faust/word-counts-data        │
[2018-01-04 12:41:07,635: INFO]: Starting aiomonitor at
[2018-01-04 12:41:07,637: INFO]: Starting console at
[2018-01-04 12:41:07,638: INFO]: [^Worker]: Starting...
[2018-01-04 12:41:07,638: INFO]: [^-Website]: Starting...

From the log output you can tell that the aiomonitor console was started on the local port 50101. If you get a different output, such as that the port is already taken you can set a custom port using the --console-port.

Once you have the port number, you can telnet into the console to use it:

$ telnet localhost 50101
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.

Asyncio Monitor: 38 tasks running
Type help for commands

monitor >>>

Type help and then press enter to see a list of available commands:

monitor >>> help
         ps               : Show task table
         where taskid     : Show stack frames for a task
         cancel taskid    : Cancel an indicated task
         signal signame   : Send a Unix signal
         console          : Switch to async Python REPL
         quit             : Leave the monitor
monitor >>>

To exit out of the console you can either type quit at the monitor >> prompt. If that is unresponsive you may hit the special telnet escape character (Ctrl-]), to drop you into the telnet command console, and from there you just type quit to exit out of the telnet session:

$> telnet localhost 50101
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.

Asyncio Monitor: 38 tasks running
Type help for commands
monitor >>> ^]
telnet> quit
Connection closed.