Source code for faust.topics

"""Topic - Named channel using Kafka."""
import asyncio
import re
import typing

from functools import partial
from typing import (

from mode import Seconds, get_logger
from mode.utils.futures import stampede
from mode.utils.queues import ThrowableQueue

from .channels import SerializedChannel
from .events import Event
from .streams import current_event
from .types import (
from .types.topics import ChannelT, TopicT
from .types.transports import ProducerT

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from .app import App
    class App: ...   # noqa

__all__ = ['Topic']

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class Topic(SerializedChannel, TopicT): """Define new topic description. Arguments: app: App instance used to create this topic description. topics: List of topic names. partitions: Number of partitions for these topics. On declaration, topics are created using this. Note: If a message is produced before the topic is declared, and ``autoCreateTopics`` is enabled on the Kafka Server, the number of partitions used will be specified by the server configuration. retention: Number of seconds (as float/:class:`~datetime.timedelta`) to keep messages in the topic before they can be expired by the server. pattern: Regular expression evaluated to decide what topics to subscribe to. You cannot specify both topics and a pattern. schema: Schema used for serialization/deserialization. key_type: How to deserialize keys for messages in this topic. Can be a :class:`faust.Model` type, :class:`str`, :class:`bytes`, or :const:`None` for "autodetect" (Overrides schema if one is defined). value_type: How to deserialize values for messages in this topic. Can be a :class:`faust.Model` type, :class:`str`, :class:`bytes`, or :const:`None` for "autodetect" (Overrides schema if ones is defined). active_partitions: Set of :class:`faust.types.tuples.TP` that this topic should be restricted to. Raises: TypeError: if both `topics` and `pattern` is provided. """ _partitions: Optional[int] = None _pattern: Optional[Pattern] = None def __init__(self, app: AppT, *, topics: Sequence[str] = None, pattern: Union[str, Pattern] = None, schema: SchemaT = None, key_type: ModelArg = None, value_type: ModelArg = None, is_iterator: bool = False, partitions: int = None, retention: Seconds = None, compacting: bool = None, deleting: bool = None, replicas: int = None, acks: bool = True, internal: bool = False, config: Mapping[str, Any] = None, queue: ThrowableQueue = None, key_serializer: CodecArg = None, value_serializer: CodecArg = None, maxsize: int = None, root: ChannelT = None, active_partitions: Set[TP] = None, allow_empty: bool = None, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop = None) -> None: super().__init__( app, schema=schema, key_type=key_type, value_type=value_type, key_serializer=key_serializer, value_serializer=value_serializer, allow_empty=allow_empty, loop=loop, active_partitions=active_partitions, is_iterator=is_iterator, queue=queue, maxsize=maxsize, ) self.topics = topics or [] self.pattern = cast(Pattern, pattern) self.partitions = partitions self.retention = retention self.compacting = compacting self.deleting = deleting self.replicas = replicas self.acks = acks self.internal = internal self.config = config or {} self._compile_decode() def _compile_decode(self) -> None: self.decode = self.schema.compile( # type: ignore, on_key_decode_error=self.on_key_decode_error, on_value_decode_error=self.on_value_decode_error, )
[docs] async def send(self, *, key: K = None, value: V = None, partition: int = None, timestamp: float = None, headers: HeadersArg = None, schema: SchemaT = None, key_serializer: CodecArg = None, value_serializer: CodecArg = None, callback: MessageSentCallback = None, force: bool = False) -> Awaitable[RecordMetadata]: """Send message to topic.""" if and not force: event = current_event() if event is not None: return cast(Event, event)._attach( self, key, value, partition=partition, timestamp=timestamp, headers=headers, schema=schema, key_serializer=key_serializer, value_serializer=value_serializer, callback=callback, ) return await self._send_now( key, value, partition=partition, timestamp=timestamp, headers=headers, schema=schema, key_serializer=key_serializer, value_serializer=value_serializer, callback=callback, )
[docs] def send_soon(self, *, key: K = None, value: V = None, partition: int = None, timestamp: float = None, headers: HeadersArg = None, schema: SchemaT = None, key_serializer: CodecArg = None, value_serializer: CodecArg = None, callback: MessageSentCallback = None, force: bool = False) -> FutureMessage: """Produce message by adding to buffer. Notes: This method can be used by non-`async def` functions to produce messages. """ fut = self.as_future_message( key=key, value=value, partition=partition, timestamp=timestamp, headers=headers, schema=schema, key_serializer=key_serializer, value_serializer=value_serializer, callback=callback, ) return fut
[docs] async def put(self, event: EventT) -> None: """Put even directly onto the underlying queue of this topic. This will only affect subscribers to a particular instance, in a particular process. """ if not self.is_iterator: raise RuntimeError( f'Cannot put on Topic channel before aiter({self})') await self.queue.put(event)
@no_type_check # incompatible with base class, but OK def _clone_args(self) -> Mapping: return { **super()._clone_args(), **{ 'topics': self.topics, 'pattern': self.pattern, 'partitions': self.partitions, 'retention': self.retention, 'compacting': self.compacting, 'deleting': self.deleting, 'replicas': self.replicas, 'internal': self.internal, 'acks': self.acks, 'config': self.config, 'active_partitions': self.active_partitions, 'allow_empty': self.allow_empty, }, } @property def pattern(self) -> Optional[Pattern]: """Regular expression used by this topic (if any).""" return self._pattern @pattern.setter def pattern(self, pattern: Union[str, Pattern]) -> None: """Set the regular expression pattern this topic subscribes to.""" if pattern and self.topics: raise TypeError('Cannot specify both topics and pattern') self._pattern = re.compile(pattern) if pattern else None @property def partitions(self) -> Optional[int]: """Return the number of configured partitions for this topic. Notes: This is only active for internal topics, fully owned and managed by Faust itself. We never touch the configuration of a topic that exists in Kafka, and Kafka will sometimes automatically create topics when they don't exist. In this case the number of partitions for the automatically created topic will depend on the Kafka server configuration (``num.partitions``). Always make sure your topics have the correct number of partitions. """ return self._partitions @partitions.setter def partitions(self, partitions: int) -> None: """Set the number of partitions for this topic. Only used for internal topics, see :attr:`partitions`. """ if partitions == 0: raise ValueError('Topic cannot have zero partitions') self._partitions = partitions
[docs] def derive(self, **kwargs: Any) -> ChannelT: """Create topic derived from the configuration of this topic. Configuration will be copied from this topic, but any parameter overridden as a keyword argument. See Also: :meth:`derive_topic`: for a list of supported keyword arguments. """ return self.derive_topic(**kwargs)
[docs] def derive_topic(self, *, topics: Sequence[str] = None, schema: SchemaT = None, key_type: ModelArg = None, value_type: ModelArg = None, key_serializer: CodecArg = None, value_serializer: CodecArg = None, partitions: int = None, retention: Seconds = None, compacting: bool = None, deleting: bool = None, internal: bool = None, config: Mapping[str, Any] = None, prefix: str = '', suffix: str = '', **kwargs: Any) -> TopicT: """Create new topic with configuration derived from this topic.""" topics = self.topics if topics is None else topics if suffix or prefix: if self.pattern: raise ValueError( 'Cannot add prefix/suffix to Topic with pattern') topics = [f'{prefix}{topic}{suffix}' for topic in topics] return type(self)(, topics=topics, pattern=self.pattern, schema=self.schema if schema is None else schema, key_type=key_type, value_type=value_type, key_serializer=key_serializer, value_serializer=value_serializer, partitions=self.partitions if partitions is None else partitions, retention=self.retention if retention is None else retention, compacting=self.compacting if compacting is None else compacting, deleting=self.deleting if deleting is None else deleting, config=self.config if config is None else config, internal=self.internal if internal is None else internal, )
[docs] def get_topic_name(self) -> str: """Return the main topic name of this topic description. As topic descriptions can have multiple topic names, this will only return when the topic has a singular topic name in the description. Raises: TypeError: if configured with a regular expression pattern. ValueError: if configured with multiple topic names. TypeError: if not configured with any names or patterns. """ if self.pattern: raise TypeError( 'Topic with pattern subscription cannot be identified') if self.topics: if len(self.topics) > 1: raise ValueError( 'Topic with multiple topic names cannot be identified') return self.topics[0] raise TypeError('Topic has no subscriptions (no pattern, no topics)')
async def _get_producer(self) -> ProducerT: return await
[docs] async def publish_message(self, fut: FutureMessage, wait: bool = False) -> Awaitable[RecordMetadata]: """Fulfill promise to publish message to topic.""" app = message: PendingMessage = fut.message topic = self._topic_name_or_default( key: bytes = cast(bytes, message.key) value: bytes = cast(bytes, message.value) partition: Optional[int] = message.partition timestamp: float = cast(float, message.timestamp) headers: Optional[HeadersArg] = message.headers logger.debug('send: topic=%r k=%r v=%r timestamp=%r partition=%r', topic, key, value, timestamp, partition) assert topic is not None producer = await self._get_producer() state = app.sensors.on_send_initiated( producer, topic, message=message, keysize=len(key) if key else 0, valsize=len(value) if value else 0, ) if wait: ret: RecordMetadata = await producer.send_and_wait( topic, key, value, partition=partition, timestamp=timestamp, headers=headers, ) app.sensors.on_send_completed(producer, state, ret) return await self._finalize_message(fut, ret) else: fut2 = cast(asyncio.Future, await producer.send( topic, key, value, partition=partition, timestamp=timestamp, headers=headers, )) callback = partial( self._on_published, message=fut, state=state, producer=producer, ) fut2.add_done_callback(cast(Callable, callback)) return fut2
def _topic_name_or_default( self, obj: Optional[Union[str, ChannelT]]) -> str: if isinstance(obj, str): return obj elif isinstance(obj, TopicT): return obj.get_topic_name() else: return self.get_topic_name() def _on_published(self, fut: asyncio.Future, message: FutureMessage, producer: ProducerT, state: Any) -> None: try: res: RecordMetadata = fut.result() except Exception as exc: message.set_exception(exc), exc, state) else: message.set_result(res) if message.message.callback: message.message.callback(message), state, res)
[docs] @stampede async def maybe_declare(self) -> None: """Declare/create this topic, only if it does not exist.""" await self.declare()
[docs] async def declare(self) -> None: """Declare/create this topic on the server.""" partitions = self.partitions if partitions is None: partitions = replicas = self.replicas if not replicas: replicas = if producer = await self._get_producer() for topic in self.topics: await producer.create_topic( topic=topic, partitions=partitions, replication=replicas, config=self.config, compacting=self.compacting, deleting=self.deleting, retention=self.retention, )
def __aiter__(self) -> ChannelT: if self.is_iterator: return self else: channel = self.clone(is_iterator=True) # Once the topic is iterated over we add the topic # to app.topics (Conductor). # When the worker starts, the consumer # will use ``list(app.topics)`` to know what topics # to subscribe to. return channel def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self.pattern) if self.pattern else ','.join(self.topics)