Source code for faust.cli.base

"""Command-line programs using :pypi:`click`."""
import abc
import asyncio
import inspect
import io
import os
import sys
from functools import wraps
from pathlib import Path
from textwrap import wrap
from types import ModuleType
from typing import (

import click
from click import echo
from colorclass import Color, disable_all_colors, enable_all_colors
from mode import Service, ServiceT, Worker
from mode.utils import text
from mode.utils.compat import want_bytes
from mode.utils.imports import import_from_cwd, symbol_by_name
from mode.utils.typing import NoReturn
from mode.worker import exiting

from faust.types._env import (
from faust.types import AppT, CodecArg, ModelT
from faust.utils import json
from faust.utils import terminal
from faust.utils.codegen import reprcall

from . import params

    import click_completion
except ImportError:
    click_completion = None
else:  # pragma: no cover

__all__ = [

[docs]class argument: """Create command-line argument. SeeAlso: :func:`click.argument` """ def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: self.args: Tuple = args self.kwargs: Dict = kwargs self.argument: Callable[[Any], Any] = click.argument( *self.args, **self.kwargs) def __call__(self, fun: Any) -> Any: return self.argument(fun) def __repr__(self) -> str: return reprcall(type(self).__name__, self.args, self.kwargs)
[docs]class option: """Create command-line option. SeeAlso: :func:`click.option` """ # Our version of click.option enables show_default=True by default. def __init__(self, *args: Any, show_default: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> None: self.args: Tuple = args self.kwargs: Dict = kwargs self.option: Callable[[Any], Any] = click.option( *args, show_default=show_default, **kwargs) def __call__(self, fun: Any) -> Any: return self.option(fun) def __repr__(self) -> str: return reprcall(type(self).__name__, self.args, self.kwargs)
OptionDecorator = Callable[[Any], Any] OptionSequence = Sequence[OptionDecorator] OptionList = MutableSequence[OptionDecorator] LOOP_CHOICES: Sequence[str] = ('aio', 'gevent', 'eventlet', 'uvloop') DEFAULT_LOOP: str = 'aio' DEFAULT_LOGLEVEL: str = 'WARN' LOGLEVELS: Sequence[str] = ( 'CRIT', 'ERROR', 'WARN', 'INFO', 'DEBUG', ) # XXX For some reason mypy gives strange errors if we import # this here: probably mypy bug. # python -m mypy faust # faust/cli/base.pyfaust/ # error: Module 'faust.agents' has no attribute 'Agent' # faust/ # error: Module 'faust.channels' has no attribute 'ChannelT' # faust/ # error: Module 'faust.channels' has no attribute 'EventT' # make: *** [typecheck] Error 1 faust_version = symbol_by_name('faust:__version__') # Worker options moved from `faust worker` to toplevel # According to @mitsuhiko the following is "really simple to # implement through decorators." # [from] class State: app: Optional[AppT] = None quiet: bool = False debug: bool = False workdir: Optional[str] = None datadir: Optional[str] = None json: bool = False no_color: bool = False loop: Optional[str] = None logfile: Optional[str] = None loglevel: Optional[int] = None blocking_timeout: Optional[float] = None console_port: Optional[int] = None def compat_option( *args: Any, state_key: str, callback: Callable[[click.Context, click.Parameter, Any], Any] = None, expose_value: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> Callable[[Any], click.Parameter]: def _callback(ctx: click.Context, # pragma: no cover param: click.Parameter, value: Any) -> Any: state = ctx.ensure_object(State) prev_value = getattr(state, state_key, None) if prev_value is None and value != param.default: setattr(state, state_key, value) return callback(ctx, param, value) if callback else value return option( *args, callback=_callback, expose_value=expose_value, **kwargs) now_builtin_worker_options: OptionSequence = [ compat_option( '--logfile', '-f', state_key='logfile', default=None, type=params.WritableFilePath, help='Path to logfile (default is <stderr>).', ), compat_option( '--loglevel', '-l', state_key='loglevel', default=DEFAULT_LOGLEVEL, type=params.CaseInsensitiveChoice(LOGLEVELS), help='Logging level to use.', ), compat_option( '--blocking-timeout', state_key='blocking_timeout', default=BLOCKING_TIMEOUT, type=float, help='when --debug: Blocking detector timeout.', ), compat_option( '--console-port', state_key='console_port', default=CONSOLE_PORT, type=params.TCPPort(), help='when --debug: Port to run debugger console on.', ), ] core_options: OptionSequence = [ click.version_option(version=f'Faust {faust_version}'), option('--app', '-A', help='Path of Faust application to use, or the name of a module.'), option('--quiet/--no-quiet', '-q', default=False, help='Silence output to <stdout>/<stderr>.'), option('--debug/--no-debug', default=DEBUG, help='Enable debugging output, and the blocking detector.'), option('--no-color/--color', '--no_color/--color', default=False, help='Enable colors in output.'), option('--workdir', '-W', default=WORKDIR, type=params.WritableDirectory, help='Working directory to change to after start.'), option('--datadir', '-D', default=DATADIR, type=params.WritableDirectory, help='Directory to keep application state.'), option('--json', default=False, is_flag=True, help='Return output in machine-readable JSON format'), option('--loop', '-L', default=DEFAULT_LOOP, type=click.Choice(LOOP_CHOICES), help='Event loop implementation to use.'), ] builtin_options = (cast(List, core_options) + cast(List, now_builtin_worker_options)) class _FaustRootContextT(click.Context): # used for typing only app: Optional[AppT] stdout: Optional[IO] stderr: Optional[IO] side_effects: bool
[docs]def find_app(app: str, *, symbol_by_name: Callable = symbol_by_name, imp: Callable = import_from_cwd, attr_name: str = 'app') -> AppT: """Find app by string like ``examples.simple``. Notes: This function uses ``import_from_cwd`` to temporarily add the current working directory to :envvar:`PYTHONPATH`, such that when importing the app it will search the current working directory last. You can think of it as temporarily running with the :envvar:`PYTHONPATH` set like this: .. sourcecode: console $ PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:." You can disable this with the ``imp`` keyword argument, for example passing ``imp=importlib.import_module``. Examples: >>> # If providing the name of a module, it will attempt >>> # to find an attribute name (.app) in that module. >>> # Example below is the same as importing:: >>> # from examples.simple import app >>> find_app('examples.simple') >>> # If you want an attribute other than .app you can >>> # use : to separate module and attribute. >>> # Examples below is the same as importing:: >>> # from examples.simple import my_app >>> find_app('examples.simple:my_app') >>> # You can also use period for the module/attribute separator >>> find_app('examples.simple.my_app') """ try: # Try to import name' as is. val = symbol_by_name(app, imp=imp) except AttributeError: # last part (of "pkg.x") was not an attribute, # but a module instead: use imp to import_module. val = imp(app) if isinstance(val, ModuleType) and ':' not in app: # if we found a module, try to get .app attribute found = getattr(val, attr_name) if isinstance(found, ModuleType): # where x is a module raise AttributeError(f'Looks like module, not app: -A {app}') val = found return prepare_app(val, app)
def prepare_app(app: AppT, name: Optional[str]) -> AppT: app.finalize() if app.conf._origin is None: app.conf._origin = name app.worker_init() if app.conf.autodiscover: app.worker_init_post_autodiscover() # Hack to fix cProfile support. if 1: # pragma: no cover main = sys.modules.get('__main__') if main is not None and '' in getattr(main, '__file__', ''): from ..models import registry registry.update({ (app.conf.origin or '') + k[8:]: v for k, v in registry.items() if k.startswith('cProfile.') }) return app # We just use this to apply many @click.option/@click.argument # decorators in the same decorator. def _apply_options(options: OptionSequence) -> OptionDecorator: """Add list of ``click.option`` values to click command function.""" def _inner(fun: OptionDecorator) -> OptionDecorator: for opt in options: fun = opt(fun) return fun return _inner class _Group(click.Group): def get_help(self, ctx: click.Context) -> str: self._maybe_import_app() return super().get_help(ctx) def get_usage(self, ctx: click.Context) -> str: self._maybe_import_app() return super().get_usage(ctx) def _maybe_import_app(self, argv: Sequence[str] = sys.argv) -> None: # This is here so that custom AppCommand defined in example/ # works and is included in --help/usage, etc. when using the faust # command like: # $ faust -A example.myapp --help # # This is not necessary when using app.main(), since that always # imports the app module before creating the cli() object: # $ python example/ --help workdir = self._extract_param(argv, '-W', '--workdir') if workdir: os.chdir(Path(workdir).absolute()) appstr = self._extract_param(argv, '-A', '--app') if appstr is not None: find_app(appstr) def _extract_param(self, argv: Sequence[str], shortopt: str, longopt: str) -> Optional[str]: for i, arg in enumerate(argv): if arg == shortopt: try: return argv[i + 1] except IndexError: raise click.UsageError(f'Missing argument for {shortopt}') elif arg.startswith(longopt): if '=' in arg: _, _, value = arg.partition('=') return value else: try: return argv[i + 1] except IndexError: raise click.UsageError( f'Missing argument for {longopt}') return None @no_type_check # mypy bugs out on this def make_context(self, info_name: str, args: str, app: AppT = None, parent: click.Context = None, stdout: IO = None, stderr: IO = None, side_effects: bool = True, **extra: Any) -> click.Context: ctx = super().make_context(info_name, args, **extra) self._maybe_import_app() root = cast(_FaustRootContextT, ctx.find_root()) = app root.stdout = stdout root.stderr = stderr root.side_effects = side_effects return ctx # This is the thing that app.main(), ``python -m faust -A ...``, # and ``faust -A ..`` calls (see also faust/, and # in the git repository (entry points).) @_apply_options(builtin_options) @click.pass_context def cli(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: # pragma: no cover """Welcome, see list of commands and options below. Use --help for help, --version for version information. """ return _prepare_cli(*args, **kwargs) def _prepare_cli(ctx: click.Context, app: Union[AppT, str], quiet: bool, debug: bool, workdir: str, datadir: str, json: bool, no_color: bool, loop: str) -> None: """Faust command-line interface.""" state = ctx.ensure_object(State) = app state.quiet = quiet state.debug = debug state.workdir = workdir state.datadir = datadir state.json = json state.no_color = no_color state.loop = loop root = cast(_FaustRootContextT, ctx.find_root()) if root.side_effects: if workdir: os.environ['F_WORKDIR'] = workdir # XXX I'm not sure this is the best place to chdir [ask] os.chdir(Path(workdir).absolute()) if datadir: # This is the only way we can set the datadir for App.__init__, # so that default values will have the right path prefix. # WARNING: Note that the module *MUST not* have # been imported before setting the envvar. os.environ['F_DATADIR'] = datadir if not no_color and terminal.isatty(sys.stdout): enable_all_colors() else: disable_all_colors() if json: disable_all_colors()
[docs]class Command(abc.ABC): """Base class for subcommands.""" UsageError: Type[Exception] = click.UsageError # To subclass this you only need to define: # # run for an async command: # # async def run(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: # ... # or for a non-async command you override __call__: # # def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: # ... abstract: ClassVar[bool] = True _click: Any = None debug: bool quiet: bool workdir: str datadir: str json: bool no_color: bool logfile: str _loglevel: Optional[str] _blocking_timeout: Optional[float] _console_port: Optional[int] stdout: Optional[IO] stderr: Optional[IO] daemon: bool = False redirect_stdouts: Optional[bool] = None redirect_stdouts_level: Optional[int] = None builtin_options: OptionSequence = builtin_options options: Optional[OptionList] = None args: Tuple kwargs: Dict prog_name: str = ''
[docs] @classmethod def as_click_command(cls) -> Callable: # pragma: no cover """Convert command into :pypi:`click` command.""" # This is what actually registers the commands into the # :pypi:`click` command-line interface (the ``def cli`` main above). # __init_subclass__ calls this for the side effect of being # registered as a `faust` subcommand. @click.pass_context @wraps(cls) def _inner(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> NoReturn: cmd = cls(*args, **kwargs) with exiting(print_exception=True, file=sys.stderr): cmd() return _apply_options(cls.options or [])( cli.command(help=cls.__doc__)(_inner))
def __init_subclass__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: if self.abstract: # sets the class attribute, so next time # Command is inherited from it will have abstract=False, # unless you set the attribute again in that subclass:: # class MyAbstractCommand(Command): # abstract: ClassVar[bool] = True # # class x(MyAbstractCommand): # async def run(self) -> None: # print('just here to experience this execution') self.abstract = False else: self._click = self.as_click_command() # This hack creates the Command.parse method used to parse # command-line arguments in sys.argv and returns a dict. _apply_options(self.builtin_options)(self._parse) _apply_options(self.options or [])(self._parse)
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, argv: Sequence[str]) -> Mapping: """Parse command-line arguments in ``argv`` and return mapping.""" return cls._parse(argv, standalone_mode=False)
@staticmethod @click.command() def _parse(**kwargs: Any) -> Mapping: # pragma: no cover return kwargs def __init__(self, ctx: click.Context, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: self.ctx = ctx root = cast(_FaustRootContextT, self.ctx.find_root()) self.state = ctx.ensure_object(State) self.debug = self.state.debug self.quiet = self.state.quiet self.workdir = self.state.workdir self.datadir = self.state.datadir self.json = self.state.json self.no_color = self.state.no_color self.logfile = self.state.logfile self.stdout = root.stdout self.stderr = root.stderr self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs self.prog_name = root.command_path # compat options must be None for now, since subcommands # also can accept them as arguments. self._loglevel = self.state.loglevel self._blocking_timeout = self.state.blocking_timeout self._console_port = self.state.console_port
[docs] @no_type_check # Subclasses can omit *args, **kwargs in signature. async def run(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """Override this method to define what your command does.""" # NOTE: If you override __call__ below, you have a non-async command. # This is used by .worker to call the # Worker.execute_from_commandline() method. ...
[docs] async def execute(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """Execute command.""" try: await*args, **kwargs) finally: await self.on_stop()
[docs] async def on_stop(self) -> None: """Call after command executed.""" ...
def __call__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> NoReturn: """Call command-line command. This will raise :exc:`SystemExit` before returning, and the exit code will be set accordingly. """ self.run_using_worker(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def run_using_worker(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> NoReturn: """Execute command using :class:`faust.Worker`.""" loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() args = self.args + args kwargs = {**self.kwargs, **kwargs} service = self.as_service(loop, *args, **kwargs) worker = self.worker_for_service(service, loop) self.on_worker_created(worker) raise worker.execute_from_commandline()
[docs] def on_worker_created(self, worker: Worker) -> None: """Call when creating :class:`faust.Worker` to execute this command.""" ...
[docs] def as_service(self, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Service: """Wrap command in a :class:`mode.Service` object.""" return Service.from_awaitable( self.execute(*args, **kwargs), name=type(self).__name__, loop=loop or asyncio.get_event_loop())
[docs] def worker_for_service(self, service: ServiceT, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop = None) -> Worker: """Create :class:`faust.Worker` instance for this command.""" return self._Worker( service, debug=self.debug, quiet=self.quiet, stdout=self.stdout, stderr=self.stderr, loglevel=self.loglevel, logfile=self.logfile, blocking_timeout=self.blocking_timeout, console_port=self.console_port, redirect_stdouts=self.redirect_stdouts, redirect_stdouts_level=self.redirect_stdouts_level, loop=loop or asyncio.get_event_loop(), daemon=self.daemon, )
@property def _Worker(self) -> Type[Worker]: return Worker
[docs] def tabulate(self, data: terminal.TableDataT, headers: Sequence[str] = None, wrap_last_row: bool = True, title: str = '', title_color: str = 'blue', **kwargs: Any) -> str: """Create an ANSI representation of a table of two-row tuples. See Also: Keyword arguments are forwarded to :class:`terminaltables.SingleTable` Note: If the :option:`--json <faust --json>` option is enabled this returns json instead. """ if self.json: return self._tabulate_json(data, headers=headers) if headers: data = [headers] + list(data) title = self.bold(self.color(title_color, title)) table = self.table(data, title=title, **kwargs) if wrap_last_row: # slow, but not big data data = [ list(item[:-1]) + [self._table_wrap(table, item[-1])] for item in data ] return table.table
def _tabulate_json(self, data: terminal.TableDataT, headers: Sequence[str] = None) -> str: if headers: return json.dumps([dict(zip(headers, row)) for row in data]) return json.dumps(data)
[docs] def table(self, data: terminal.TableDataT, title: str = '', **kwargs: Any) -> terminal.Table: """Format table data as ANSI/ASCII table.""" return terminal.table(data, title=title, target=sys.stdout, **kwargs)
[docs] def color(self, name: str, text: str) -> str: """Return text having a certain color by name. Examples:: >>> self.color('blue', 'text_to_color') >>> self.color('hiblue', text_to_color') See Also: :pypi:`colorclass`: for a list of available colors. """ return Color(f'{{{name}}}{text}{{/{name}}}')
[docs] def dark(self, text: str) -> str: """Return cursor text.""" return self.color('autoblack', text)
[docs] def bold(self, text: str) -> str: """Return text in bold.""" return self.color('b', text)
[docs] def bold_tail(self, text: str, *, sep: str = '.') -> str: """Put bold emphasis on the last part of a ```` string.""" head, fsep, tail = text.rpartition(sep) return fsep.join([head, self.bold(tail)])
def _table_wrap(self, table: terminal.Table, text: str) -> str: max_width = max(table.column_max_width(1), 10) return '\n'.join(wrap(text, max_width))
[docs] def say(self, message: str, file: IO = None, err: IO = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Print something to stdout (or use ``file=stderr`` kwarg). Note: Does not do anything if the :option:`--quiet <faust --quiet>` option is enabled. """ if not self.quiet: echo(message, file=file or self.stdout, # XXX mypy thinks this should be bool(?!) err=cast(bool, err or self.stderr), **kwargs)
[docs] def carp(self, s: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Print something to stdout (or use ``file=stderr`` kwargs). Note: Does not do anything if the :option:`--debug <faust --debug>` option is enabled. """ if self.debug: self.say(f'#-- {s}', **kwargs)
[docs] def dumps(self, obj: Any) -> str: """Serialize object using JSON.""" return json.dumps(obj)
@property def loglevel(self) -> str: """Return the log level used for this command.""" return self._loglevel or DEFAULT_LOGLEVEL @loglevel.setter def loglevel(self, level: str) -> None: self._loglevel = level @property def blocking_timeout(self) -> float: """Return the blocking timeout used for this command.""" return self._blocking_timeout or BLOCKING_TIMEOUT @blocking_timeout.setter def blocking_timeout(self, timeout: float) -> None: self._blocking_timeout = timeout @property def console_port(self) -> int: """Return the :pypi:`aiomonitor` console port.""" return self._console_port or CONSOLE_PORT @console_port.setter def console_port(self, port: int) -> None: self._console_port = port
[docs]class AppCommand(Command): """Command that takes ``-A app`` as argument.""" abstract: ClassVar[bool] = True app: AppT require_app = True #: The :term:`codec` used to serialize keys. #: Taken from instance parameters or :attr:`@key_serializer`. key_serializer: CodecArg #: The :term:`codec` used to serialize values. #: Taken from instance parameters or :attr:`@value_serializer`. value_serialier: CodecArg
[docs] @classmethod def from_handler( cls, *options: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Callable[[Callable], Type['AppCommand']]: """Decorate ``async def`` command to create command class.""" def _inner(fun: Callable[..., Awaitable[Any]]) -> Type['AppCommand']: target: Any = fun if not inspect.signature(fun).parameters: # if it does not take self argument, use staticmethod target = staticmethod(fun) fields = { 'run': target, '__doc__': fun.__doc__, '__name__': fun.__name__, '__qualname__': fun.__qualname__, '__module__': fun.__module__, '__wrapped__': fun, 'options': options, } return type(fun.__name__, (cls,), {**fields, **kwargs}) return _inner
def __init__(self, ctx: click.Context, *args: Any, key_serializer: CodecArg = None, value_serializer: CodecArg = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(ctx) = self._finalize_app( getattr(ctx.find_root(), 'app', None)) self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs self.key_serializer = key_serializer or self.value_serializer = ( value_serializer or def _finalize_app(self, app: AppT) -> AppT: if app is not None: return self._finalize_concrete_app(app) else: return self._app_from_str( def _app_from_str(self, appstr: str = None) -> Optional[AppT]: if appstr: return find_app(appstr) else: if self.require_app: raise self.UsageError( 'Need to specify app using -A parameter') return None def _finalize_concrete_app(self, app: AppT) -> AppT: app.finalize() # XXX How to find full argv[0] with click? origin = app.conf.origin if sys.argv: origin = self._detect_main_package(sys.argv) return prepare_app(app, origin) def _detect_main_package(self, argv: List[str]) -> str: # pragma: no cover prog = Path(argv[0]).absolute() paths = [] p = prog.parent # find lowermost path, that is a package while p: if not (p / '').is_file(): break paths.append(p) p = p.parent package = '.'.join( [ for p in paths] + [prog.with_suffix('').name]) if package.endswith('.__main__'): # when `python -m pkg`: remove .__main__ from pkg.__main__ package = package[:-9] return package
[docs] async def on_stop(self) -> None: """Call after command executed.""" await super().on_stop() app = # If command started the producer, we should also stop that # - this will flush any buffers before exiting. if app._producer is not None and app._producer.started: await app._producer.stop() # If command started the app, we should stop it. # - could have app.client_only, or app.producer_only set. if app.started: await app.stop() if app._http_client is not None: await app._maybe_close_http_client()
[docs] def to_key(self, typ: Optional[str], key: str) -> Any: """Convert command-line argument string to model (key). Arguments: typ: The name of the model to create. key: The string json of the data to populate it with. Notes: Uses :attr:`key_serializer` to set the :term:`codec` for the key (e.g. ``"json"``), as set by the :option:`--key-serializer <faust send --key-serializer>` option. """ return self.to_model(typ, key, self.key_serializer)
[docs] def to_value(self, typ: Optional[str], value: str) -> Any: """Convert command-line argument string to model (value). Arguments: typ: The name of the model to create. key: The string json of the data to populate it with. Notes: Uses :attr:`value_serializer` to set the :term:`codec` for the value (e.g. ``"json"``), as set by the :option:`--value-serializer <faust send --value-serializer>` option. """ return self.to_model(typ, value, self.value_serializer)
[docs] def to_model(self, typ: Optional[str], value: str, serializer: CodecArg) -> Any: """Convert command-line argument to model. Generic version of :meth:`to_key`/:meth:`to_value`. Arguments: typ: The name of the model to create. key: The string json of the data to populate it with. serializer: The argument setting it apart from to_key/to_value enables you to specify a custom serializer not mandated by :attr:`key_serializer`, and :attr:`value_serializer`. Notes: Uses :attr:`value_serializer` to set the :term:`codec` for the value (e.g. ``"json"``), as set by the :option:`--value-serializer <faust send --value-serializer>` option. """ if typ: model: ModelT = self.import_relative_to_app(typ) return model.loads(want_bytes(value), serializer=serializer) return want_bytes(value)
[docs] def import_relative_to_app(self, attr: str) -> Any: """Import string like "module.Model", or "Model" to model class.""" try: return symbol_by_name(attr) except ImportError as original_exc: if not raise root, _, _ =':') try: return symbol_by_name(f'{root}.models.{attr}') except ImportError: try: return symbol_by_name(f'{root}.{attr}') except ImportError: raise original_exc from original_exc
[docs] def to_topic(self, entity: str) -> Any: """Convert topic name given on command-line to ``app.topic()``.""" if not entity: raise self.UsageError('Missing topic/@agent name') if entity.startswith('@'): # actor prefix: e.g. `faust send @myactorname` return self.import_relative_to_app(entity[1:]) return
[docs] def abbreviate_fqdn(self, name: str, *, prefix: str = '') -> str: """Abbreviate fully-qualified Python name, by removing origin. ``app.conf.origin`` is the package where the app is defined, so if this is ``examples.simple`` it returns the truncated:: >>> app.conf.origin 'examples.simple' >>> abbr_fqdn(app.conf.origin, ... 'examples.simple.Withdrawal', ... prefix='[...]') '[...]Withdrawal' but if the package is not part of origin it provides the full path:: >>> abbr_fqdn(app.conf.origin, ... 'examples.other.Foo', prefix='[...]') '' """ return text.abbr_fqdn(, name, prefix=prefix)
[docs]def call_command(command: str, args: List[str] = None, stdout: IO = None, stderr: IO = None, side_effects: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[int, IO, IO]: exitcode: int = 0 if stdout is None: stdout = io.StringIO() if stderr is None: stderr = io.StringIO() try: cli(args=[command] + (args or []), side_effects=side_effects, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, **kwargs) except SystemExit as exc: exitcode = exc.code return exitcode, stdout, stderr