Source code for faust.types.models

import abc
import typing
from datetime import datetime
from typing import (
from faust.exceptions import ValidationError  # XXX !!coupled
from .codecs import CodecArg

__all__ = [

FieldMap = Mapping[str, 'FieldDescriptorT']

T = TypeVar('T')

# Workaround for
    @typing.no_type_check  # type: ignore
    class _InitSubclassCheck(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):

        def __init_subclass__(self,
                              *args: Any,
                              ident: int = 808,
                              **kwargs: Any) -> None:
            self.ident = ident
            super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)  # type: ignore

    @typing.no_type_check  # type: ignore
    class _UsingKwargsInNew(_InitSubclassCheck, ident=909):
except TypeError:
    abc_compatible_with_init_subclass = False
    abc_compatible_with_init_subclass = True

ModelArg = Union[Type['ModelT'], Type[bytes], Type[str]]
IsInstanceArgT = Union[Type, Tuple[Type, ...]]
CoercionHandler = Callable[[Any], Any]
CoercionMapping = MutableMapping[IsInstanceArgT, CoercionHandler]

[docs]class TypeCoerce(NamedTuple): target: Type handler: CoercionHandler
[docs]class TypeInfo(NamedTuple): generic_type: Optional[Type] member_type: Type
[docs]class ModelOptions(abc.ABC): serializer: Optional[CodecArg] = None namespace: str include_metadata: bool = True polymorphic_fields: bool = False allow_blessed_key: bool = False # XXX compat isodates: bool = False decimals: bool = False validation: bool = False coerce: bool = False coercions: CoercionMapping = cast(CoercionMapping, None) date_parser: Optional[Callable[[Any], datetime]] = None # If we set `attr = None` mypy will think the values can be None # on the instance, but if we don't set it Sphinx will find # that the attributes don't exist on the class. # Very annoying - we could set .e.g `fields = {}` instead of None, # but then we might accidentally forget to initialize it, # so seems safer for it to be None. #: Index: Flattened view of __annotations__ in MRO order. fields: Mapping[str, Type] = cast(Mapping[str, Type], None) #: Index: Set of required field names, for fast argument checking. fieldset: FrozenSet[str] = cast(FrozenSet[str], None) #: Index: Mapping of field name to field descriptor. descriptors: FieldMap = cast(FieldMap, None) #: Index: Positional argument index to field name. #: Used by Record.__init__ to map positional arguments to fields. fieldpos: Mapping[int, str] = cast(Mapping[int, str], None) #: Index: Set of optional field names, for fast argument checking. optionalset: FrozenSet[str] = cast(FrozenSet[str], None) #: Index: Mapping of fields that are ModelT models: Mapping[str, Type['ModelT']] = cast( Mapping[str, Type['ModelT']], None) # Index: Set of field names that are ModelT and there concrete type modelattrs: Mapping[str, Optional[Type]] = cast( Mapping[str, Optional[Type]], None) #: Index: Mapping of fields that need to be coerced. #: Key is the name of the field, value is the coercion handler function. field_coerce: Mapping[str, TypeCoerce] = cast( Mapping[str, TypeCoerce], None) #: Mapping of field names to default value. defaults: Mapping[str, Any] = cast( # noqa: E704 (flake8 bug) Mapping[str, Any], None) #: Mapping of init field conversion callbacks. initfield: Mapping[str, CoercionHandler] = cast( Mapping[str, CoercionHandler], None) #: Index of field to polymorphic type polyindex: Mapping[str, TypeInfo] = cast( Mapping[str, TypeInfo], None)
[docs] def clone_defaults(self) -> 'ModelOptions': new_options = type(self)() new_options.serializer = self.serializer new_options.namespace = self.namespace new_options.include_metadata = self.include_metadata new_options.polymorphic_fields = self.polymorphic_fields new_options.allow_blessed_key = self.allow_blessed_key new_options.isodates = self.isodates new_options.decimals = self.decimals new_options.coerce = self.coerce new_options.coercions = dict(self.coercions) return new_options
base = abc.ABC if abc_compatible_with_init_subclass else object
[docs]class ModelT(base): # type: ignore __is_model__: ClassVar[bool] = True _options: ClassVar[ModelOptions]
[docs] @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def from_data(cls, data: Any, *, preferred_type: Type['ModelT'] = None) -> 'ModelT': ...
[docs] @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def loads(cls, s: bytes, *, default_serializer: CodecArg = None, # XXX use serializer serializer: CodecArg = None) -> 'ModelT': ...
@abc.abstractmethod def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def dumps(self, *, serializer: CodecArg = None) -> bytes: ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def derive(self, *objects: 'ModelT', **fields: Any) -> 'ModelT': ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def to_representation(self) -> Any: ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def is_valid(self) -> bool: ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def validate(self) -> List[ValidationError]: ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def validate_or_raise(self) -> None: ...
@property @abc.abstractmethod def validation_errors(self) -> List[ValidationError]: ...
[docs]class FieldDescriptorT(Generic[T]): field: str type: Type[T] model: Type[ModelT] required: bool = True default: Optional[T] = None # noqa: E704 parent: Optional['FieldDescriptorT'] generic_type: Optional[Type] member_type: Optional[Type] exclude: bool @abc.abstractmethod def __init__(self, *, field: str = None, type: Type[T] = None, model: Type[ModelT] = None, required: bool = True, default: T = None, parent: 'FieldDescriptorT' = None, generic_type: Type = None, member_type: Type = None, exclude: bool = None, date_parser: Callable[[Any], datetime] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None: # we have to do this in __init__ or mypy will think # this is a method self.date_parser: Callable[[Any], datetime] = cast( Callable[[Any], datetime], date_parser)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def validate(self, value: T) -> Iterable[ValidationError]: ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def prepare_value(self, value: Any) -> Optional[T]: ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def getattr(self, obj: ModelT) -> T: ...
@property @abc.abstractmethod def ident(self) -> str: ...
# XXX See top of module! We redefine with actual ModelT for Sphinx, # as it cannot read non-final types. ModelArg = Union[Type[ModelT], Type[bytes], Type[str]] # type: ignore