
class faust.app.App(id: str, *, monitor: faust.sensors.monitor.Monitor = None, config_source: Any = None, loop: asyncio.events.AbstractEventLoop = None, beacon: mode.utils.types.trees.NodeT = None, **options) → None[source]

Faust Application.

Parameters:id (str) – Application ID.
Keyword Arguments:
 loop (asyncio.AbstractEventLoop) – optional event loop to use.

See also

Application Parameters – for supported keyword arguments.

class BootStrategy(app: faust.types.app.AppT, *, enable_web: bool = None, enable_kafka: bool = None, enable_kafka_producer: bool = None, enable_kafka_consumer: bool = None, enable_sensors: bool = None) → None
agents() → Iterable[mode.types.services.ServiceT]
Return type:Iterable[ServiceT[]]
client_only() → Iterable[mode.types.services.ServiceT]
Return type:Iterable[ServiceT[]]
enable_kafka = True
enable_kafka_consumer = None
enable_kafka_producer = None
enable_sensors = True
enable_web = None
kafka_client_consumer() → Iterable[mode.types.services.ServiceT]
Return type:Iterable[ServiceT[]]
kafka_conductor() → Iterable[mode.types.services.ServiceT]
Return type:Iterable[ServiceT[]]
kafka_consumer() → Iterable[mode.types.services.ServiceT]
Return type:Iterable[ServiceT[]]
kafka_producer() → Iterable[mode.types.services.ServiceT]
Return type:Iterable[ServiceT[]]
producer_only() → Iterable[mode.types.services.ServiceT]
Return type:Iterable[ServiceT[]]
sensors() → Iterable[mode.types.services.ServiceT]
Return type:Iterable[ServiceT[]]
server() → Iterable[mode.types.services.ServiceT]
Return type:Iterable[ServiceT[]]
tables() → Iterable[mode.types.services.ServiceT]
Return type:Iterable[ServiceT[]]
web_components() → Iterable[mode.types.services.ServiceT]
Return type:Iterable[ServiceT[]]
web_server() → Iterable[mode.types.services.ServiceT]
Return type:Iterable[ServiceT[]]
client_only = False

Set this to True if app should only start the services required to operate as an RPC client (producer and simple reply consumer).

producer_only = False

Set this to True if app should run without consumer/tables.

on_init_dependencies() → Iterable[mode.types.services.ServiceT][source]

Callback to be used to add service dependencies.

Return type:Iterable[ServiceT[]]
config_from_object(obj: Any, *, silent: bool = False, force: bool = False) → None[source]

Read configuration from object.

Object is either an actual object or the name of a module to import.


>>> app.config_from_object('myproj.faustconfig')
>>> from myproj import faustconfig
>>> app.config_from_object(faustconfig)
  • silent (bool) – If true then import errors will be ignored.
  • force (bool) – Force reading configuration immediately. By default the configuration will be read only when required.
Return type:


finalize() → None[source]
Return type:None
worker_init() → None[source]
Return type:None
discover(*extra_modules, categories: Iterable[str] = ['faust.agent', 'faust.command', 'faust.page', 'faust.service', 'faust.task'], ignore: Iterable[str] = ['test_.*', '.*__main__.*']) → None[source]
Return type:None
main() → None[source]

Execute the faust umbrella command using this app.

Return type:None
topic(*topics, pattern: Union[str, Pattern[~AnyStr]] = None, key_type: Union[Type[faust.types.models.ModelT], Type[bytes], Type[str]] = None, value_type: Union[Type[faust.types.models.ModelT], Type[bytes], Type[str]] = None, key_serializer: Union[faust.types.codecs.CodecT, str, None] = None, value_serializer: Union[faust.types.codecs.CodecT, str, None] = None, partitions: int = None, retention: Union[datetime.timedelta, float, str] = None, compacting: bool = None, deleting: bool = None, replicas: int = None, acks: bool = True, internal: bool = False, config: Mapping[str, Any] = None, maxsize: int = None, allow_empty: bool = False, loop: asyncio.events.AbstractEventLoop = None) → faust.types.topics.TopicT[source]

Create topic description.

Topics are named channels (for example a Kafka topic), that exist on a server. To make an ephemeral local communication channel use: channel().

Return type:TopicT[]
channel(*, key_type: Union[Type[faust.types.models.ModelT], Type[bytes], Type[str]] = None, value_type: Union[Type[faust.types.models.ModelT], Type[bytes], Type[str]] = None, maxsize: int = None, loop: asyncio.events.AbstractEventLoop = None) → faust.types.channels.ChannelT[source]

Create new channel.

By default this will create an in-memory channel used for intra-process communication, but in practice channels can be backed by any transport (network or even means of inter-process communication).

Return type:ChannelT[]
agent(channel: Union[str, faust.types.channels.ChannelT] = None, *, name: str = None, concurrency: int = 1, supervisor_strategy: Type[mode.types.supervisors.SupervisorStrategyT] = None, sink: Iterable[Union[AgentT, faust.types.channels.ChannelT, Callable[Any, Optional[Awaitable]]]] = None, isolated_partitions: bool = False, **kwargs) → Callable[Callable[Union[AsyncIterator, faust.types.streams.StreamT], Union[Awaitable, AsyncIterable]], faust.types.agents.AgentT][source]

Create Agent from async def function.

It can be a regular async function:

async def my_agent(stream):
    async for number in stream:
        print(f'Received: {number!r}')

Or it can be an async iterator that yields values. These values can be used as the reply in an RPC-style call, or for sinks: callbacks that forward events to other agents/topics/statsd, and so on:

async def my_agent(requests):
    async for number in requests:
        yield number * 2
Return type:Callable[[Callable[[Union[AsyncIterator[+T_co], StreamT[+T_co]]], Union[Awaitable[+T_co], AsyncIterable[+T_co]]]], AgentT[]]
actor(channel: Union[str, faust.types.channels.ChannelT] = None, *, name: str = None, concurrency: int = 1, supervisor_strategy: Type[mode.types.supervisors.SupervisorStrategyT] = None, sink: Iterable[Union[AgentT, faust.types.channels.ChannelT, Callable[Any, Optional[Awaitable]]]] = None, isolated_partitions: bool = False, **kwargs) → Callable[Callable[Union[AsyncIterator, faust.types.streams.StreamT], Union[Awaitable, AsyncIterable]], faust.types.agents.AgentT]

Create Agent from async def function.

It can be a regular async function:

async def my_agent(stream):
    async for number in stream:
        print(f'Received: {number!r}')

Or it can be an async iterator that yields values. These values can be used as the reply in an RPC-style call, or for sinks: callbacks that forward events to other agents/topics/statsd, and so on:

async def my_agent(requests):
    async for number in requests:
        yield number * 2
Return type:Callable[[Callable[[Union[AsyncIterator[+T_co], StreamT[+T_co]]], Union[Awaitable[+T_co], AsyncIterable[+T_co]]]], AgentT[]]
task(fun: Union[Callable[AppT, Awaitable], Callable[Awaitable]] = None, *, on_leader: bool = False) → Union[Callable[Union[Callable[faust.types.app.AppT, Awaitable], Callable[Awaitable]], Union[Callable[faust.types.app.AppT, Awaitable], Callable[Awaitable]]], Callable[faust.types.app.AppT, Awaitable], Callable[Awaitable]][source]

Define an async def function to be started with the app.

This is like timer() but a one-shot task only executed at worker startup (after recovery and the worker is fully ready for operation).

The function may take zero, or one argument. If the target function takes an argument, the app argument is passed:

>>> @app.task
>>> async def on_startup(app):
...    print('STARTING UP: %r' % (app,))

Nullary functions are also supported:

>>> @app.task
>>> async def on_startup():
...     print('STARTING UP')
Return type:Union[Callable[[Union[Callable[[AppT[]], Awaitable[+T_co]], Callable[[], Awaitable[+T_co]]]], Union[Callable[[AppT[]], Awaitable[+T_co]], Callable[[], Awaitable[+T_co]]]], Callable[[AppT[]], Awaitable[+T_co]], Callable[[], Awaitable[+T_co]]]
timer(interval: Union[datetime.timedelta, float, str], on_leader: bool = False) → Callable[source]

Define an async def function to be run at periodic intervals.

Like task(), but executes periodically until the worker is shut down.

This decorator takes an async function and adds it to a list of timers started with the app.

  • interval (Seconds) – How often the timer executes in seconds.
  • on_leader (bool) – Should the timer only run on the leader?


>>> @app.timer(interval=10.0)
>>> async def every_10_seconds():
...     print('TEN SECONDS JUST PASSED')
>>> app.timer(interval=5.0, on_leader=True)
>>> async def every_5_seconds():
Return type:Callable
crontab(cron_format: str, *, timezone: datetime.tzinfo = None, on_leader: bool = False) → Callable[source]

Define an async def function to be run at the fixed times, defined by the cron format.

Like timer(), but executes at fixed times instead of executing at certain intervals.

This decorator takes an async function and adds it to a list of cronjobs started with the app.


cron_format (str) – The cron spec defining fixed times to run the decorated function.

Keyword Arguments:
  • timezone – The timezone to be taken into account for the cron jobs. If not set value from timezone will be taken.
  • on_leader – Should the cron job only run on the leader?


>>> @app.crontab(cron_format='30 18 * * *',
>>> async def every_6_30_pm_pacific():
...     print('IT IS 6:30pm')
>>> app.crontab(cron_format='30 18 * * *', on_leader=True)
>>> async def every_6_30_pm():
...     print('6:30pm UTC; ALSO, I AM THE LEADER!')
Return type:Callable
service(cls: Type[mode.types.services.ServiceT]) → Type[mode.types.services.ServiceT][source]

Decorate mode.Service to be started with the app.


from mode import Service

class Foo(Service):
Return type:Type[ServiceT[]]
is_leader() → bool[source]
Return type:bool
stream(channel: Union[AsyncIterable, Iterable], beacon: mode.utils.types.trees.NodeT = None, **kwargs) → faust.types.streams.StreamT[source]

Create new stream from channel/topic/iterable/async iterable.

Return type:



to iterate over events in the stream.

Return type:


Table(name: str, *, default: Callable[Any] = None, window: faust.types.windows.WindowT = None, partitions: int = None, help: str = None, **kwargs) → faust.types.tables.TableT[source]

Define new table.

  • name (str) – Name used for table, note that two tables living in the same application cannot have the same name.
  • default (Optional[Callable[[], Any]]) – A callable, or type that will return a default value for keys missing in this table.
  • window (Optional[WindowT]) – A windowing strategy to wrap this window in.


>>> table = app.Table('user_to_amount', default=int)
>>> table['George']
>>> table['Elaine'] += 1
>>> table['Elaine'] += 1
>>> table['Elaine']
Return type:TableT[~KT, ~VT]
SetTable(name: str, *, window: faust.types.windows.WindowT = None, partitions: int = None, help: str = None, **kwargs) → faust.types.tables.TableT[source]
Return type:TableT[~KT, ~VT]
page(path: str, *, base: Type[faust.web.views.View] = <class 'faust.web.views.View'>, name: str = None) → Callable[Union[Type[faust.types.web.View], Callable[[faust.types.web.View, faust.types.web.Request, Any, Any], Awaitable[faust.types.web.Response]]], Type[faust.web.views.View]][source]
Return type:Callable[[Union[Type[View], Callable[[View, Request, Any, Any], Awaitable[Response]]]], Type[View]]
table_route(table: faust.types.tables.CollectionT, shard_param: str = None, *, query_param: str = None, match_info: str = None) → Callable[Callable[[faust.types.web.View, faust.types.web.Request, Any, Any], Awaitable[faust.types.web.Response]], Callable[[faust.types.web.View, faust.types.web.Request, Any, Any], Awaitable[faust.types.web.Response]]][source]
Return type:Callable[[Callable[[View, Request, Any, Any], Awaitable[Response]]], Callable[[View, Request, Any, Any], Awaitable[Response]]]
command(*options, base: Optional[Type[faust.app.base.AppCommand]] = None, **kwargs) → Callable[Callable, Type[faust.app.base.AppCommand]][source]
Return type:Callable[[Callable], Type[AppCommand]]
on_rebalance_start() → None[source]
Return type:None
on_rebalance_end() → None[source]
Return type:None
FlowControlQueue(maxsize: int = None, *, clear_on_resume: bool = False, loop: asyncio.events.AbstractEventLoop = None) → mode.utils.queues.ThrowableQueue[source]

Like asyncio.Queue, but can be suspended/resumed.

Return type:ThrowableQueue
Worker(**kwargs) → faust.app.base.WorkerT[source]
Return type:WorkerT
on_webserver_init(web: faust.types.web.Web) → None[source]
Return type:None
coroutine commit(self, topics: AbstractSet[Union[str, faust.types.tuples.TP]]) → bool[source]

Commit offset for acked messages in specified topics’.


This will commit acked messages in all topics if the topics argument is passed in as None.

Return type:bool
logger = <Logger faust.app.base (WARNING)>
coroutine maybe_start_client(self) → None[source]

Start the app in Client-Only mode if not started as Server.

Return type:None

Ensure producer is started.

coroutine on_first_start(self) → None[source]

Called only the first time the service is started.

Return type:None
coroutine on_init_extra_service(self, service: Union[mode.types.services.ServiceT, Type[mode.types.services.ServiceT]]) → mode.types.services.ServiceT[source]
Return type:ServiceT[]
coroutine on_start(self) → None[source]

Called every time before the service is started/restarted.

Return type:None
coroutine on_started(self) → None[source]

Called every time after the service is started/restarted.

Return type:None
coroutine on_started_init_extra_services(self) → None[source]
Return type:None
coroutine on_started_init_extra_tasks(self) → None[source]
Return type:None
coroutine on_stop(self) → None[source]

Called every time before the service is stopped/restarted.

Return type:None
coroutine send(self, channel: Union[faust.types.channels.ChannelT, str], key: Union[bytes, faust.types.core.ModelT, Any, None] = None, value: Union[bytes, faust.types.core.ModelT, Any] = None, partition: int = None, key_serializer: Union[faust.types.codecs.CodecT, str, None] = None, value_serializer: Union[faust.types.codecs.CodecT, str, None] = None, callback: Callable[faust.types.tuples.FutureMessage, Union[None, Awaitable[None]]] = None) → Awaitable[faust.types.tuples.RecordMetadata][source]

Send event to channel/topic.

Return type:


coroutine start_client(self) → None[source]

Start the app in Client-Only mode necessary for RPC requests.


Once started as a client the app cannot be restarted as Server.

Return type:None
Return type:Settings
Return type:ProducerT[]
Return type:ConsumerT[]

Message transport. :rtype: TransportT

Return type:CacheBackendT[]

Map of available tables, and the table manager service.


Topic Conductor.

This is the mediator that moves messages fetched by the Consumer into the streams.

It’s also a set of registered topics by string topic name, so you can check if a topic is being consumed from by doing topic in app.topics.


Monitor keeps stats about what’s going on inside the worker. :rtype: Monitor[]


Internal flow control.

This object controls flow into stream queues, and can also clear all buffers.


HTTP Client Session. :rtype: ClientSession


Partition Assignor.

Responsible for partition assignment.


Find the node partitioned data belongs to.

The router helps us route web requests to the wanted Faust node. If a topic is sharded by account_id, the router can send us to the Faust worker responsible for any account. Used by the @app.table_route decorator.


Label used for graphs. :rtype: str


Label used for logging. :rtype: str