Source code for faust.utils.codegen

"""Utilities for generating code at runtime."""
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List

__all__ = [

MISSING = object()

[docs]def Function(name: str, args: List[str], body: List[str], *, globals: Dict[str, Any] = None, locals: Dict[str, Any] = None, return_type: Any = MISSING, argsep: str = ', ') -> Callable: assert locals is not None return_annotation = '' if return_type is not MISSING: locals['_return_type'] = return_type return_annotation = '->_return_type' bodys = '\n'.join(f' {b}' for b in body) src = f'def {name}({argsep.join(args)}){return_annotation}:\n{bodys}' exec(src, globals, locals) obj = locals[name] obj.__sourcecode__ = src return obj
[docs]def Method(name: str, args: List[str], body: List[str], **kwargs: Any) -> Callable: return Function(name, ['self'] + args, body, **kwargs)
[docs]def InitMethod(args: List[str], body: List[str], **kwargs: Any) -> Callable[[], None]: return Method('__init__', args, body, return_type='None', **kwargs)
[docs]def HashMethod(attrs: List[str], **kwargs: Any) -> Callable[[], None]: self_tuple = obj_attrs_tuple('self', attrs) return Method('__hash__', [], [f'return hash({self_tuple})'], **kwargs)
[docs]def EqMethod(fields: List[str], **kwargs: Any) -> Callable[[], None]: return CompareMethod(name='__eq__', op='==', fields=fields, **kwargs)
[docs]def CompareMethod(name: str, op: str, fields: List[str], **kwargs: Any) -> Callable[[], None]: # Generate object comparison function (__eq__, __le__, __gt__, etc.) # Examples: # The example: # # CompareMethod( # name='__eq__', # op='==', # fields=['x', 'y'], # ) # # Generates a method like this: # # def __eq__(self, other): # if other.__class__ is self.__class__: # return (self.x,self.y) == (other.x,other.y) # return NotImplemented self_tuple = obj_attrs_tuple('self', fields) other_tuple = obj_attrs_tuple('other', fields) return Method(name, ['other'], ['if other.__class__ is self.__class__:', f' return {self_tuple}{op}{other_tuple}', 'return NotImplemented'], **kwargs)
def obj_attrs_tuple(obj_name: str, attrs: List[str]) -> str: # if attrs is ['x', 'y'] and obj_name is 'self', # returns '(self.x,self.y)'. if not attrs: return '()' return f'({",".join([f"{obj_name}.{f}" for f in attrs])},)'