Source code for faust.models.record

"""Record - Dictionary Model."""
from datetime import datetime
from decimal import Decimal
from functools import partial
from typing import (

from mode.utils.objects import (

from faust.types.models import (
from faust.utils import codegen
from faust.utils import iso8601
from faust.utils.json import str_to_decimal

from .base import FieldDescriptor, Model

__all__ = ['Record']

DATE_TYPES: IsInstanceArgT = (datetime,)
DECIMAL_TYPES: IsInstanceArgT = (Decimal,)

    dict: Dict,
    tuple: Tuple,
    list: List,
    set: Set,
    frozenset: FrozenSet,

_ReconFun = Callable[[Type, Any], Any]

# Models can refer to other models:
#   class M(Model):
#     x: OtherModel
# but can also have List-of-X, Mapping-of-X, etc:
#  class M(Model):
#    x: List[OtherModel]
#    y: Mapping[KeyModel, ValueModel]
# in the source code we refer to a polymorphic type, in the example above
# the polymorphic type for x would be `list`, and the polymorphic type
# for y would be `dict`.

__polymorphic_type_cache: Dict[Type, Tuple[Type, Type]] = {}

def _polymorphic_type(typ: Type) -> Tuple[Type, Type]:
        polymorphic_type, cls = __polymorphic_type_cache[typ]
    except KeyError:
            val = guess_polymorphic_type(typ)
        except TypeError:
            val = (TypeError, None)
        __polymorphic_type_cache[typ] = val
        return val
    if polymorphic_type is TypeError:
        raise TypeError()
    return polymorphic_type, cls

def _is_model(cls: Type) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[Type]]:
    # Returns (is_model, polymorphic_type).
    # polymorphic type (if available) will be list if it's a list,
    # dict if dict, etc, then that means it's a List[ModelType],
    # Dict[ModelType] etc, so
    # we have to deserialize them as such.
    polymorphic_type = None
        polymorphic_type, cls = guess_polymorphic_type(cls)
    except TypeError:
        cls = remove_optional(cls)
        return issubclass(cls, ModelT), polymorphic_type
    except TypeError:  # typing.Any cannot be used with subclass
        return False, None

def _is_concretely(types: IsInstanceArgT, cls: Type) -> bool:
        # Check for List[int], Mapping[int, int], etc.
        _, cls = guess_polymorphic_type(cls)
    except TypeError:
        return issubclass(cls, types)
    except TypeError:
        return False

def _field_callback(typ: Type, callback: _ReconFun) -> Any:
        generic, subtyp = _polymorphic_type(typ)
    except TypeError:
        if generic is list:
            return partial(_from_generic_list, subtyp, callback)
        elif generic is tuple:
            return partial(_from_generic_tuple, subtyp, callback)
        elif generic is dict:
            return partial(_from_generic_dict, subtyp, callback)
        elif generic is set:
            return partial(_from_generic_set, subtyp, callback)
    return partial(callback, typ)

def _from_generic_list(typ: Type, callback: _ReconFun, data: Iterable) -> List:
    return [callback(typ, v) for v in data]

def _from_generic_tuple(typ: Type, callback: _ReconFun, data: Tuple) -> Tuple:
    return tuple(callback(typ, v) for v in data)

def _from_generic_dict(typ: Type,
                       callback: _ReconFun, data: Mapping) -> Mapping:
    return {k: callback(typ, v) for k, v in data.items()}

def _from_generic_set(typ: Type, callback: _ReconFun, data: Set) -> Set:
    return {callback(typ, v) for v in data}

def _to_model(typ: Type[ModelT], data: Any) -> Optional[ModelT]:
    # called everytime something needs to be converted into a model.
    typ = remove_optional(typ)
    if data is not None and not isinstance(data, typ):
        model = typ.from_data(data, preferred_type=typ)
        return model if model is not None else data
    return data

def _maybe_to_representation(val: ModelT = None) -> Optional[Any]:
    return val.to_representation() if val is not None else None

[docs]class Record(Model, abstract=True): """Describes a model type that is a record (Mapping). Examples: >>> class LogEvent(Record, serializer='json'): ... severity: str ... message: str ... timestamp: float ... optional_field: str = 'default value' >>> event = LogEvent( ... severity='error', ... message='Broken pact', ... timestamp=666.0, ... ) >>> event.severity 'error' >>> serialized = event.dumps() '{"severity": "error", "message": "Broken pact", "timestamp": 666.0}' >>> restored = LogEvent.loads(serialized) <LogEvent: severity='error', message='Broken pact', timestamp=666.0> >>> # You can also subclass a Record to create a new record >>> # with additional fields >>> class RemoteLogEvent(LogEvent): ... url: str >>> # You can also refer to record fields and pass them around: >>> LogEvent.severity >>> <FieldDescriptor: LogEvent.severity (str)> """ @classmethod def _contribute_to_options(cls, options: ModelOptions) -> None: # Find attributes and their types, and create indexes for these. # This only happens once when the class is created, so Faust # models are fast at runtime. fields, defaults = annotations( cls, stop=Record, skip_classvar=True, alias_types=ALIAS_FIELD_TYPES, localns={cls.__name__: cls}, ) options.fields = cast(Mapping, fields) options.fieldset = frozenset(fields) options.fieldpos = {i: k for i, k in enumerate(fields.keys())} is_concretely = _is_concretely # extract all default values, but only for actual fields. options.defaults = { k: v.default if isinstance(v, FieldDescriptor) else v for k, v in defaults.items() if k in fields and not ( isinstance(v, FieldDescriptor) and v.required) } options.models = {} modelattrs = options.modelattrs = {} for field, typ in fields.items(): is_model, polymorphic_type = _is_model(typ) if is_model: # Extract all model fields options.models[field] = typ # Create mapping of model fields to polymorphic types if # available modelattrs[field] = polymorphic_type if is_optional(typ): # Optional[X] also needs to be added to defaults mapping. options.defaults.setdefault(field, None) # Create frozenset index of default fields. options.optionalset = frozenset(options.defaults) # extract all fields that we want to coerce to a different type # (decimals=True, isodates=True, coercions={MyClass: converter}) # Then move them to options.field_coerce, which is what the # model.__init__ method uses to coerce any fields that need to # be coerced. options.field_coerce = {} if options.isodates: options.coercions.setdefault(DATE_TYPES, iso8601.parse) if options.decimals: options.coercions.setdefault(DECIMAL_TYPES, str_to_decimal) for coerce_types, coerce_handler in options.coercions.items(): options.field_coerce.update({ field: TypeCoerce(typ, coerce_handler) for field, typ in fields.items() if field not in modelattrs and is_concretely(coerce_types, typ) }) @classmethod def _contribute_methods(cls) -> None: if not getattr(cls.asdict, 'faust_generated', False): raise RuntimeError('Not allowed to override Record.asdict()') cls.asdict = cls._BUILD_asdict() # type: ignore cls.asdict.faust_generated = True # type: ignore @staticmethod def _init_maybe_coerce(coerce: CoercionHandler, typ: Type, value: Any) -> Any: if value is None: return None if isinstance(value, typ): return value return coerce(value) @classmethod def _contribute_field_descriptors(cls, target: Type, options: ModelOptions, parent: FieldDescriptorT = None) -> None: fields = options.fields defaults = options.defaults for field, typ in fields.items(): try: default, needed = defaults[field], False except KeyError: default, needed = None, True setattr(target, field, FieldDescriptor(field, typ, cls, needed, default, parent))
[docs] @classmethod def from_data(cls, data: Mapping, *, preferred_type: Type[ModelT] = None) -> 'Record': # check for blessed key to see if another model should be used. if hasattr(data, '__is_model__'): return cast(Record, data) else: self_cls = cls._maybe_namespace( data, preferred_type=preferred_type) return (self_cls or cls)(**data, __strict__=False)
def __init__(self, *args: Any, __strict__: bool = True, __faust: Any = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None: # pragma: no cover ... # overridden by _BUILD_init @classmethod def _BUILD_init(cls) -> Callable[[], None]: kwonlyargs = ['*', '__strict__=True', '__faust=None', '**kwargs'] fields = cls._options.fieldpos optional = cls._options.optionalset models = cls._options.models field_coerce = cls._options.field_coerce initfield = cls._options.initfield = {} has_post_init = hasattr(cls, '__post_init__') required = [] opts = [] setters = [] for field in fields.values(): model = models.get(field) coerce = field_coerce.get(field) fieldval = f'{field}' if model is not None: initfield[field] = _field_callback(model, _to_model) assert initfield[field] is not None fieldval = f'self._init_field("{field}", {field})' if coerce is not None: coerce_type, coerce_handler = coerce # Model reconstruction require two-arguments: typ, val. # Regular coercion callbacks just takes one argument, so # need to create an intermediate function to fix that. initfield[field] = _field_callback( coerce_type, partial(cls._init_maybe_coerce, coerce_handler)) assert initfield[field] is not None fieldval = f'self._init_field("{field}", {field})' if field in optional: opts.append(f'{field}=None') setters.extend([ f'if {field} is not None:', f' self.{field} = {fieldval}', f'else:', f' self.{field} = self._options.defaults["{field}"]', ]) else: required.append(field) setters.append(f'self.{field} = {fieldval}') rest = [ 'if kwargs and __strict__:', ' from mode.utils.text import pluralize', ' message = "{} got unexpected {}: {}".format(', ' self.__class__.__name__,', ' pluralize(kwargs.__len__(), "argument"),', ' ", ".join(map(str, sorted(kwargs))))', ' raise TypeError(message)', 'self.__dict__.update(kwargs)', ] if has_post_init: rest.extend([ 'self.__post_init__()', ]) return codegen.InitMethod( required + opts + kwonlyargs, setters + rest, globals=globals(), locals=locals(), ) @classmethod def _BUILD_hash(cls) -> Callable[[], None]: return codegen.HashMethod(list(cls._options.fields), globals=globals(), locals=locals()) @classmethod def _BUILD_eq(cls) -> Callable[[], None]: return codegen.EqMethod(list(cls._options.fields), globals=globals(), locals=locals()) def _init_field(self, field: str, value: Any) -> Any: return self._options.initfield[field](value) @classmethod def _BUILD_asdict(cls) -> Callable[..., Dict[str, Any]]: preamble = [ 'return self._prepare_dict({', ] fields = [ f' {field!r}: {cls._BUILD_asdict_field(field)},' for field in cls._options.fields ] postamble = [ '})', ] return codegen.Method( '_asdict', [], preamble + fields + postamble, globals=globals(), locals=locals(), ) def _prepare_dict(self, payload: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: return payload @classmethod def _BUILD_asdict_field(cls, field: str) -> str: modelattrs = cls._options.modelattrs is_model = field in modelattrs if is_model: generic = modelattrs[field] if generic is list or generic is tuple: return (f'[v.to_representation() for v in self.{field}] ' f'if self.{field} is not None else None') elif generic is set: return f'self.{field}' elif generic is dict: return (f'{{k: v.to_representation() ' f' for k, v in self.{field}.items()}}') else: return f'_maybe_to_representation(self.{field})' else: return f'self.{field}' def _derive(self, *objects: ModelT, **fields: Any) -> ModelT: data = self.asdict() for obj in objects: data.update(cast(Record, obj).asdict()) return type(self)(**{**data, **fields})
[docs] def to_representation(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]: # Convert known fields to mapping of ``{field: value}``. payload = self.asdict() if self._options.include_metadata: payload['__faust'] = {'ns': self._options.namespace} return payload
[docs] def asdict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: # pragma: no cover ... # generated by _BUILD_asdict
# Used to disallow overriding this method asdict.faust_generated = True # type: ignore def _humanize(self) -> str: # we try to preserve the order of fields specified in the class, # so doing {**self._options.defaults, **self.__dict__} does not work. attrs, defaults = self.__dict__, self._options.defaults.items() fields = { **attrs, **{k: v for k, v in defaults if k not in attrs}, } return _kvrepr(fields) def __json__(self) -> Any: return self.to_representation() def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if isinstance(other, type(self)): return all( getattr(self, key) == getattr(other, key) for key in self._options.fields ) return False def __lt__(self, other: 'Record') -> bool: return hash(self) < hash(other) def __le__(self, other: 'Record') -> bool: return hash(self) <= hash(other) def __gt__(self, other: 'Record') -> bool: return hash(self) > hash(other) def __ge__(self, other: 'Record') -> bool: return hash(self) >= hash(other)
def _kvrepr(d: Mapping[str, Any], *, sep: str = ', ') -> str: """Represent dict as `k='v'` pairs separated by comma.""" return sep.join(f'{k}={v!r}' for k, v in d.items())