.. _kafka-streams-comparison: ================================== Overview: Faust vs Kafka Streams ================================== .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 KStream ======= - ``.filter()`` - ``.filterNot()`` Just use the `if` statement: .. sourcecode:: python @app.agent(topic) async def process(stream): async for event in stream: if event.amount >= 300.0: yield event - ``.map()`` Just call the function you want from within the :keyword:`async for` iteration: .. sourcecode:: python @app.agent(Topic) async def process(stream): async for key, event in stream.items(): yield myfun(key, event) - ``.forEach()`` In KS ``forEach`` is the same as ``map``, but ends the processing chain. - ``.peek()`` In KS ``peek`` is the same as ``map``, but documents that the action may have a side effect. - ``.mapValues()``: .. sourcecode:: python @app.agent(topic) async def process(stream): async for event in stream: yield myfun(event) - ``.print()``: .. sourcecode:: python @app.agent(topic) async def process(stream): async for event in stream: print(event) - ``.writeAsText()``: .. sourcecode:: python @app.agent(topic) async def process(stream): async for key, event in stream.items(): with open(path, 'a') as f: f.write(repr(key, event)) - ``.flatMap()`` - ``.flatMapValues()`` .. sourcecode:: python @app.agent(topic) async def process(stream): async for event in stream: # split sentences into words for word in event.text.split(): yield event.derive(text=word) - ``.branch()`` This is a special case of `filter` in KS, in Faust just write code and forward events as appropriate: .. sourcecode:: python app = faust.App('transfer-demo') # source topic source_topic = app.topic('transfers') # destination topics tiny_transfers = app.topic('tiny_transfers') small_transfers = app.topic('small_transfers') large_transfers = app.topic('large_transfers') @app.agent(source_topic) async def process(stream): async for event in stream: if event.amount >= 1000.0: event.forward(large_transfers) elif event.amount >= 100.0: event.forward(small_transfers) else: event.forward(tiny_transfers) - ``.through()``: .. sourcecode:: python @app.agent(topic) async def process(stream): async for event in stream.through('other-topic'): yield event - ``.to()``: .. sourcecode:: python app = faust.App('to-demo') source_topic = app.topic('source') other_topic = app.topic('other') @app.agent(source_topic) async def process(stream): async for event in stream: event.forward(other_topic) - ``.selectKey()`` Just transform the key yourself: .. sourcecode:: python @app.agent(source_topic) async def process(stream): async for key, value in stream.items(): key = format_key(key) If you want to transform the key for processors to use, then you have to change the current context to have the new key: .. sourcecode:: python @app.agent(source_topic) async def process(stream): async for event in stream: event.req.key = format_key(event.req.key) - ``groupBy()`` .. sourcecode:: python @app.agent(source_topic) async def process(stream): async for event in stream.group_by(Withdrawal.account): yield event - ``groupByKey()`` ??? - ``.transform()`` - ``.transformValues()`` ??? - ``.process()`` Process in KS calls a Processor and is usually used to also call periodic actions (punctuation). In Faust you'd rather create a background task: .. sourcecode:: python import asyncio import faust # Useless example collecting transfer events # and summing them up after one second. class Transfer(faust.Record, serializer='json'): amount: float app = faust.App('transfer-demo') transfer_topic = app.topic('transfers', value_type=Transfer) class TransferBuffer: def __init__(self): self.pending = [] self.total = 0 def flush(self): for amount in self.pending: self.total += amount self.pending.clear() print('TOTAL NOW: %r' % (total,)) def add(self, amount): self.pending.append(amount) buffer = TransferBuffer() @app.agent(transfer_topic) async def task(transfers): async transfer for transfers in transfers: buffer.add(transfer.amount) @app.timer(interval=1.0) async def flush_buffer(): buffer.flush() if __name__ == '__main__': app.main() - ``join()`` - ``outerJoin()`` - ``leftJoin()`` NOT IMPLEMENTED .. sourcecode:: python async for event in (s1 & s2).join() async for event in (s1 & s2).outer_join() async for event in (s1 & s2).left_join()