Source code for faust.types.settings

import abc
import inspect
import logging
import typing
from datetime import timedelta
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, Type, Union
from uuid import uuid4

from mode import Seconds, SupervisorStrategyT, want_seconds
from mode.utils.imports import SymbolArg, symbol_by_name
from mode.utils.logging import Severity
from yarl import URL

from faust.cli._env import DATADIR
from faust.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured

from .agents import AgentT
from .assignor import LeaderAssignorT, PartitionAssignorT
from .codecs import CodecArg
from .router import RouterT
from .sensors import SensorT
from .serializers import RegistryT
from .streams import StreamT
from .tables import TableManagerT, TableT
from .topics import TopicT
from .web import HttpClientT

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from .worker import Worker as WorkerT
    class WorkerT: ...      # noqa

__all__ = ['AutodiscoverArg', 'Settings']

# XXX mypy borks if we do `from faust import __version__`
faust_version: str = symbol_by_name('faust:__version__')

#: Broker URL, used as default for :setting:`broker`.
BROKER_URL = 'kafka://localhost:9092'

#: Table storage URL, used as default for :setting:`store`.
STORE_URL = 'memory://'

#: Table state directory path used as default for :setting:`tabledir`.
#: This path will be treated as relative to datadir, unless the provided
#: poth is absolute.
TABLEDIR = 'tables'

#: Path to agent class, used as default for :setting:`Agent`.
AGENT_TYPE = 'faust.Agent'

#: Default agent supervisor type, used as default for
#: :setting:`agent_supervisor`.
AGENT_SUPERVISOR_TYPE = 'mode.OneForOneSupervisor'

#: Path to stream class, used as default for :setting:`Stream`.
STREAM_TYPE = 'faust.Stream'

#: Path to table manager class, used as default for :setting:`TableManager`.
TABLE_MANAGER_TYPE = 'faust.tables.TableManager'

#: Path to table class, used as default for :setting:`Table`.
TABLE_TYPE = 'faust.Table'

#: Path to set class, used as default for :setting:`Set`.
SET_TYPE = 'faust.Set'

#: Path to serializer registry class, used as the default for
#: :setting:`Serializers`.
REGISTRY_TYPE = 'faust.serializers.Registry'

#: Path to worker class, providing the default for :setting:`Worker`.
WORKER_TYPE = 'faust.worker.Worker'

#: Path to partition assignor class, providing the default for
#: :setting:`PartitionAssignor`.
PARTITION_ASSIGNOR_TYPE = 'faust.assignor:PartitionAssignor'

#: Path to leader assignor class, providing the default for
#: :setting:`LeaderAssignor`.
LEADER_ASSIGNOR_TYPE = 'faust.assignor:LeaderAssignor'

#: Path to router class, providing the default for :setting:`Router`.

#: Path to topic class, providing the default for :setting:`Topic`.
TOPIC_TYPE = 'faust:Topic'

#: Path to HTTP client class, providing the default for :setting:`HttpClient`.
HTTP_CLIENT_TYPE = 'faust.types.web.HttpClientT'

#: Path to Monitor sensor class, providing the default for :setting:`Monitor`.
MONITOR_TYPE = 'faust.sensors:Monitor'

#: Default Kafka Client ID.
BROKER_CLIENT_ID = f'faust-{faust_version}'

#: How often we commit acknowledged messages: every n messages.
#: Used as the default value for :setting:`broker_commit_every`.

#: How often we commit acknowledged messages on a timer.
#: Used as the default value for :setting:`broker_commit_interval`.

#: Kafka consumer session timeout (``session_timeout_ms``).

#: Kafka consumer heartbeat (``heartbeat_interval_ms``).

#: How long time it takes before we warn that the commit offset has
#: not advanced.
BROKER_LIVELOCK_SOFT = want_seconds(timedelta(minutes=5))

#: How often we clean up expired items in windowed tables.
#: Used as the default value for :setting:`table_cleanup_interval`.

#: Prefix used for reply topics.
REPLY_TO_PREFIX = 'f-reply-'

#: Default expiry time for replies, in seconds (float).
REPLY_EXPIRES = want_seconds(timedelta(days=1))

#: Max number of messages channels/streams/topics can "prefetch".

#: We buffer up sending messages until the
#: source topic offset related to that processsing is committed.
#: This means when we do commit, we may have buffered up a LOT of messages
#: so commit frequently.
#: This setting is deprecated and will be removed once transaction support
#: is added in a later version.

#: Minimum time to batch before sending out messages from the producer.
#: Used as the default value for :setting:`linger_ms`.

#: Maximum size of buffered data per partition in bytes in the producer.
#: Used as the default value for :setting:`max_batch_size`.

#: Maximum size of a request in bytes in the producer.
#: Used as the default value for :setting:`max_request_size`.

#: The compression type for all data generated by
#: the producer. Valid values are 'gzip', 'snappy', 'lz4', or None.
#: Compression is of full batches of data, so the efficacy of batching
#: will also impact the compression ratio (more batching means better
#: compression). Default: None.

#: The number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have
#: received before considering a request complete. This controls the
#: durability of records that are sent. The following settings are common:
#:     0: Producer will not wait for any acknowledgment from the server
#:         at all. The message will immediately be considered sent.
#:         (Not recommended)
#:     1: The broker leader will write the record to its local log but
#:         will respond without awaiting full acknowledgement from all
#:         followers. In this case should the leader fail immediately
#:         after acknowledging the record but before the followers have
#:         replicated it then the record will be lost.
#:     -1: The broker leader will wait for the full set of in-sync
#:         replicas to acknowledge the record. This guarantees that the
#:         record will not be lost as long as at least one in-sync replica
#:         remains alive. This is the strongest available guarantee.

#: Set of settings added for backwards compatibility
SETTINGS_COMPAT: Set[str] = {'url'}

#: Set of :func:`inspect.signature` parameter types to ignore
#: when building the list of supported seting names.
SETTINGS_SKIP: Set[inspect._ParameterKind] = {

AutodiscoverArg = Union[
    Callable[[], Iterable[str]],

[docs]class Settings(abc.ABC): autodiscover: AutodiscoverArg = False broker_client_id: str = BROKER_CLIENT_ID broker_commit_every: int = BROKER_COMMIT_EVERY broker_check_crcs: bool = True id_format: str = '{id}-v{self.version}' origin: Optional[str] = None key_serializer: CodecArg = 'json' value_serializer: CodecArg = 'json' reply_to: str reply_to_prefix: str = REPLY_TO_PREFIX reply_create_topic: bool = False stream_buffer_maxsize: int = STREAM_BUFFER_MAXSIZE stream_wait_empty: bool = False stream_ack_cancelled_tasks: bool = False stream_ack_exceptions: bool = True stream_publish_on_commit: bool = STREAM_PUBLISH_ON_COMMIT table_standby_replicas: int = 1 topic_replication_factor: int = 1 topic_partitions: int = 8 # noqa: E704 loghandlers: List[logging.StreamHandler] producer_linger_ms: int = PRODUCER_LINGER_MS producer_max_batch_size: int = PRODUCER_MAX_BATCH_SIZE producer_acks: int = PRODUCER_ACKS producer_max_request_size: int = PRODUCER_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE producer_compression_type: Optional[str] = PRODUCER_COMPRESSION_TYPE worker_redirect_stdouts: bool = True worker_redirect_stdouts_level: Severity = 'WARN' _id: str _name: str _version: int = 1 _broker: URL _store: URL _canonical_url: URL _datadir: Path _tabledir: Path _agent_supervisor: Type[SupervisorStrategyT] _broker_session_timeout: float = BROKER_SESSION_TIMEOUT _broker_heartbeat_interval: float = BROKER_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL _broker_commit_interval: float = BROKER_COMMIT_INTERVAL _broker_commit_livelock_soft_timeout: float = BROKER_LIVELOCK_SOFT _table_cleanup_interval: float = TABLE_CLEANUP_INTERVAL _reply_expires: float = REPLY_EXPIRES _Agent: Type[AgentT] _Stream: Type[StreamT] _Table: Type[TableT] _TableManager: Type[TableManagerT] _Serializers: Type[RegistryT] _Worker: Type[WorkerT] _PartitionAssignor: Type[PartitionAssignorT] _LeaderAssignor: Type[LeaderAssignorT] _Router: Type[RouterT] _Topic: Type[TopicT] _HttpClient: Type[HttpClientT] _Monitor: Type[SensorT]
[docs] @classmethod def setting_names(cls) -> Set[str]: return { k for k, v in inspect.signature(cls).parameters.items() if v.kind not in SETTINGS_SKIP } - SETTINGS_COMPAT
def __init__( # noqa: C901 self, id: str, *, version: int = None, broker: Union[str, URL] = None, broker_client_id: str = None, broker_commit_every: int = None, broker_commit_interval: Seconds = None, broker_commit_livelock_soft_timeout: Seconds = None, broker_session_timeout: Seconds = None, broker_heartbeat_interval: Seconds = None, broker_check_crcs: bool = None, agent_supervisor: SymbolArg[Type[SupervisorStrategyT]] = None, store: Union[str, URL] = None, autodiscover: AutodiscoverArg = None, origin: str = None, canonical_url: Union[str, URL] = None, datadir: Union[Path, str] = None, tabledir: Union[Path, str] = None, key_serializer: CodecArg = None, value_serializer: CodecArg = None, loghandlers: List[logging.StreamHandler] = None, table_cleanup_interval: Seconds = None, table_standby_replicas: int = None, topic_replication_factor: int = None, topic_partitions: int = None, id_format: str = None, reply_to: str = None, reply_to_prefix: str = None, reply_create_topic: bool = None, reply_expires: Seconds = None, stream_buffer_maxsize: int = None, stream_wait_empty: bool = None, stream_ack_cancelled_tasks: bool = None, stream_ack_exceptions: bool = None, stream_publish_on_commit: bool = None, producer_linger_ms: int = None, producer_max_batch_size: int = None, producer_acks: int = None, producer_max_request_size: int = None, producer_compression_type: str = None, worker_redirect_stdouts: bool = None, worker_redirect_stdouts_level: Severity = None, Agent: SymbolArg[Type[AgentT]] = None, Stream: SymbolArg[Type[StreamT]] = None, Table: SymbolArg[Type[TableT]] = None, TableManager: SymbolArg[Type[TableManagerT]] = None, Serializers: SymbolArg[Type[RegistryT]] = None, Worker: SymbolArg[Type[WorkerT]] = None, PartitionAssignor: SymbolArg[Type[PartitionAssignorT]] = None, LeaderAssignor: SymbolArg[Type[LeaderAssignorT]] = None, Router: SymbolArg[Type[RouterT]] = None, Topic: SymbolArg[Type[TopicT]] = None, HttpClient: SymbolArg[Type[HttpClientT]] = None, Monitor: SymbolArg[Type[SensorT]] = None, # XXX backward compat (remove for Faust 1.0) url: Union[str, URL] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None: self.version = version if version is not None else self._version self.id_format = id_format if id_format is not None else self.id_format self.origin = origin if origin is not None else self.origin = id = url or broker or BROKER_URL = store or STORE_URL if autodiscover is not None: self.autodiscover = autodiscover if broker_client_id is not None: self.broker_client_id = broker_client_id self.canonical_url = canonical_url or '' # datadir is a format string that can contain e.g. {} self.datadir = datadir or DATADIR self.tabledir = tabledir or TABLEDIR self.broker_commit_interval = ( broker_commit_interval or self._broker_commit_interval) self.broker_commit_livelock_soft_timeout = ( broker_commit_livelock_soft_timeout or self._broker_commit_livelock_soft_timeout) if broker_session_timeout is not None: self.broker_session_timeout = want_seconds(broker_session_timeout) if broker_heartbeat_interval is not None: self.broker_heartbeat_interval = want_seconds( broker_heartbeat_interval) self.table_cleanup_interval = ( table_cleanup_interval or self._table_cleanup_interval) if broker_commit_every is not None: self.broker_commit_every = broker_commit_every if broker_check_crcs is not None: self.broker_check_crcs = broker_check_crcs if key_serializer is not None: self.key_serializer = key_serializer if value_serializer is not None: self.value_serializer = value_serializer if table_standby_replicas is not None: self.table_standby_replicas = table_standby_replicas if topic_replication_factor is not None: self.topic_replication_factor = topic_replication_factor if topic_partitions is not None: self.topic_partitions = topic_partitions if reply_create_topic is not None: self.reply_create_topic = reply_create_topic self.loghandlers = loghandlers if loghandlers is not None else [] if stream_buffer_maxsize is not None: self.stream_buffer_maxsize = stream_buffer_maxsize if stream_wait_empty is not None: self.stream_wait_empty = stream_wait_empty if stream_ack_cancelled_tasks is not None: self.stream_ack_cancelled_tasks = stream_ack_cancelled_tasks if stream_ack_exceptions is not None: self.stream_ack_exceptions = stream_ack_exceptions if stream_publish_on_commit is not None: self.stream_publish_on_commit = stream_publish_on_commit if producer_linger_ms is not None: self.producer_linger_ms = producer_linger_ms if producer_max_batch_size is not None: self.producer_max_batch_size = producer_max_batch_size if producer_acks is not None: self.producer_acks = producer_acks if producer_max_request_size is not None: self.producer_max_request_size = producer_max_request_size if producer_compression_type is not None: self.producer_compression_type = producer_compression_type if worker_redirect_stdouts is not None: self.worker_redirect_stdouts = worker_redirect_stdouts if worker_redirect_stdouts_level is not None: self.worker_redirect_stdouts_level = worker_redirect_stdouts_level if reply_to_prefix is not None: self.reply_to_prefix = reply_to_prefix if reply_to is not None: self.reply_to = reply_to else: self.reply_to = f'{self.reply_to_prefix}{uuid4()}' if reply_expires is not None: self.reply_expires = reply_expires self.agent_supervisor = agent_supervisor or AGENT_SUPERVISOR_TYPE self.Agent = Agent or AGENT_TYPE self.Stream = Stream or STREAM_TYPE self.Table = Table or TABLE_TYPE self.Set = Set or SET_TYPE self.TableManager = TableManager or TABLE_MANAGER_TYPE self.Serializers = Serializers or REGISTRY_TYPE self.Worker = Worker or WORKER_TYPE self.PartitionAssignor = PartitionAssignor or PARTITION_ASSIGNOR_TYPE self.LeaderAssignor = LeaderAssignor or LEADER_ASSIGNOR_TYPE self.Router = Router or ROUTER_TYPE self.Topic = Topic or TOPIC_TYPE self.HttpClient = HttpClient or HTTP_CLIENT_TYPE self.Monitor = Monitor or MONITOR_TYPE self.__dict__.update(kwargs) # arbitrary configuration
[docs] def prepare_id(self, id: str) -> str: if self.version > 1: return self.id_format.format(id=id, self=self) return id
[docs] def prepare_datadir(self, datadir: Union[str, Path]) -> Path: return self._Path(str(datadir).format(conf=self))
[docs] def prepare_tabledir(self, tabledir: Union[str, Path]) -> Path: return self._appdir_path(self._Path(tabledir))
def _Path(self, *parts: Union[str, Path]) -> Path: return Path(*parts).expanduser() def _appdir_path(self, path: Path) -> Path: return path if path.is_absolute() else self.appdir / path @property def name(self) -> str: # name is a read-only property return self._name @property def id(self) -> str: return self._id @id.setter def id(self, name: str) -> None: self._name = name self._id = self.prepare_id(name) # id is name+version @property def version(self) -> int: return self._version @version.setter def version(self, version: int) -> None: if not version: raise ImproperlyConfigured( f'Version cannot be {version}, please start at 1') self._version = version @property def broker(self) -> URL: return self._broker @broker.setter def broker(self, broker: Union[URL, str]) -> None: self._broker = URL(broker) @property def store(self) -> URL: return self._store @store.setter def store(self, store: Union[URL, str]) -> None: self._store = URL(store) @property def canonical_url(self) -> URL: return self._canonical_url @canonical_url.setter def canonical_url(self, canonical_url: Union[URL, str]) -> None: self._canonical_url = URL(canonical_url) @property def datadir(self) -> Path: return self._datadir @datadir.setter def datadir(self, datadir: Union[Path, str]) -> None: self._datadir = self.prepare_datadir(datadir) @property def appdir(self) -> Path: return self.datadir / f'v{self.version}' @property def tabledir(self) -> Path: return self._tabledir @tabledir.setter def tabledir(self, tabledir: Union[Path, str]) -> None: self._tabledir = self.prepare_tabledir(tabledir) @property def broker_session_timeout(self) -> float: return self._broker_session_timeout @broker_session_timeout.setter def broker_session_timeout(self, value: Seconds) -> None: self._broker_session_timeout = want_seconds(value) @property def broker_heartbeat_interval(self) -> float: return self._broker_heartbeat_interval @broker_heartbeat_interval.setter def broker_heartbeat_interval(self, value: Seconds) -> None: self._broker_heartbeat_interval = want_seconds(value) @property def broker_commit_interval(self) -> float: return self._broker_commit_interval @broker_commit_interval.setter def broker_commit_interval(self, value: Seconds) -> None: self._broker_commit_interval = want_seconds(value) @property def broker_commit_livelock_soft_timeout(self) -> float: return self._broker_commit_livelock_soft_timeout @broker_commit_livelock_soft_timeout.setter def broker_commit_livelock_soft_timeout(self, value: Seconds) -> None: self._broker_commit_livelock_soft_timeout = want_seconds(value) @property def table_cleanup_interval(self) -> float: return self._table_cleanup_interval @table_cleanup_interval.setter def table_cleanup_interval(self, value: Seconds) -> None: self._table_cleanup_interval = want_seconds(value) @property def reply_expires(self) -> float: return self._reply_expires @reply_expires.setter def reply_expires(self, reply_expires: Seconds) -> None: self._reply_expires = want_seconds(reply_expires) @property def agent_supervisor(self) -> Type[SupervisorStrategyT]: return self._agent_supervisor @agent_supervisor.setter def agent_supervisor( self, sup: SymbolArg[Type[SupervisorStrategyT]]) -> None: self._agent_supervisor = symbol_by_name(sup) @property def Agent(self) -> Type[AgentT]: return self._Agent @Agent.setter def Agent(self, Agent: SymbolArg[Type[AgentT]]) -> None: self._Agent = symbol_by_name(Agent) @property def Stream(self) -> Type[StreamT]: return self._Stream @Stream.setter def Stream(self, Stream: SymbolArg[Type[StreamT]]) -> None: self._Stream = symbol_by_name(Stream) @property def Table(self) -> Type[TableT]: return self._Table @Table.setter def Table(self, Table: SymbolArg[Type[TableT]]) -> None: self._Table = symbol_by_name(Table) @property def TableManager(self) -> Type[TableManagerT]: return self._TableManager @TableManager.setter def TableManager(self, Manager: SymbolArg[Type[TableManagerT]]) -> None: self._TableManager = symbol_by_name(Manager) @property def Serializers(self) -> Type[RegistryT]: return self._Serializers @Serializers.setter def Serializers(self, Serializers: SymbolArg[Type[RegistryT]]) -> None: self._Serializers = symbol_by_name(Serializers) @property def Worker(self) -> Type[WorkerT]: return self._Worker @Worker.setter def Worker(self, Worker: SymbolArg[Type[WorkerT]]) -> None: self._Worker = symbol_by_name(Worker) @property def PartitionAssignor(self) -> Type[PartitionAssignorT]: return self._PartitionAssignor @PartitionAssignor.setter def PartitionAssignor( self, Assignor: SymbolArg[Type[PartitionAssignorT]]) -> None: self._PartitionAssignor = symbol_by_name(Assignor) @property def LeaderAssignor(self) -> Type[LeaderAssignorT]: return self._LeaderAssignor @LeaderAssignor.setter def LeaderAssignor( self, Assignor: SymbolArg[Type[LeaderAssignorT]]) -> None: self._LeaderAssignor = symbol_by_name(Assignor) @property def Router(self) -> Type[RouterT]: return self._Router @Router.setter def Router(self, Router: SymbolArg[Type[RouterT]]) -> None: self._Router = symbol_by_name(Router) @property def Topic(self) -> Type[TopicT]: return self._Topic @Topic.setter def Topic(self, Topic: SymbolArg[Type[TopicT]]) -> None: self._Topic = symbol_by_name(Topic) @property def HttpClient(self) -> Type[HttpClientT]: return self._HttpClient @HttpClient.setter def HttpClient(self, HttpClient: SymbolArg[Type[HttpClientT]]) -> None: self._HttpClient = symbol_by_name(HttpClient) @property def Monitor(self) -> Type[SensorT]: return self._Monitor @Monitor.setter def Monitor(self, Monitor: SymbolArg[Type[SensorT]]) -> None: self._Monitor = symbol_by_name(Monitor)