Source code for faust.transport.consumer


The Consumer is responsible for:

   - Holds reference to the transport that created it

   - ... and the app via ````.

   - Has a callback that usually points back to ``Conductor.on_message``.

   - Receives messages and calls the callback for every message received.

   - Keeps track of the message and it's acked/unacked status.

   - The Conductor forwards the message to all Streams that subscribes
     to the topic the message was sent to.

       + Messages are reference counted, and the Conductor increases
         the reference count to the number of subscribed streams.

       + Stream.__aiter__ is set up in a way such that when what is iterating
         over the stream is finished with the message, a finally: block will
         decrease the reference count by one.

       + When the reference count for a message hits zero, the stream will
         call ``Consumer.ack(message)``, which will mark that tp+offset
         combination as "commitable"

       + If all the streams share the same key_type/value_type,
         the conductor will only deserialize the payload once.

   - Commits the offset at an interval

      + The Consumer has a background thread that periodically commits the

      - If the consumer marked an offset as committable this thread
        will advance the comitted offset.

      + To find the offset that it can safely advance to the commit thread
        will traverse the _acked mapping of TP to list of acked offsets, by
        finding a range of consecutive acked offsets (see note in

import abc
import asyncio
import gc
import typing
from collections import defaultdict
from time import monotonic
from typing import (
from weakref import WeakSet

from mode import Service, ServiceT, get_logger
from mode.utils.futures import notify
from faust.exceptions import ProducerSendError
from faust.types import AppT, Message, TP
from faust.types.transports import (
from faust.utils.functional import consecutive_numbers

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from import App
    class App: ...  # noqa: E701

__all__ = ['Consumer', 'Fetcher']

# These flags are used for Service.diag, tracking what the consumer
# service is currently doing.

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class Fetcher(Service): app: AppT logger = logger _drainer: Optional[asyncio.Future] = None def __init__(self, app: AppT, **kwargs: Any) -> None: = app super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] async def on_stop(self) -> None: if self._drainer is not None and not self._drainer.done(): self._drainer.cancel() while True: try: await asyncio.wait_for(self._drainer, timeout=1.0) except StopIteration: # Task is cancelled right before coro stops. pass except asyncio.CancelledError: break except asyncio.TimeoutError: self.log.warn('Fetcher is ignoring cancel or slow :(') else: break
@Service.task async def _fetcher(self) -> None: try: consumer = cast(Consumer, self._drainer = asyncio.ensure_future( consumer._drain_messages(self), loop=self.loop, ) await self._drainer except asyncio.CancelledError: pass finally: self.set_shutdown()
[docs]class Consumer(Service, ConsumerT): """Base Consumer.""" app: AppT logger = logger #: Tuple of exception types that may be raised when the #: underlying consumer driver is stopped. consumer_stopped_errors: ClassVar[Tuple[Type[BaseException], ...]] = () # Mapping of TP to list of acked offsets. _acked: MutableMapping[TP, List[int]] #: Fast lookup to see if tp+offset was acked. _acked_index: MutableMapping[TP, Set[int]] #: Keeps track of the currently read offset in each TP _read_offset: MutableMapping[TP, Optional[int]] #: Keeps track of the currently commited offset in each TP. _committed_offset: MutableMapping[TP, Optional[int]] #: The consumer.wait_empty() method will set this to be notified #: when something acks a message. _waiting_for_ack: Optional[asyncio.Future] = None #: Used by .commit to ensure only one thread is comitting at a time. #: Other thread starting to commit while a commit is already active, #: will wait for the original request to finish, and do nothing. _commit_fut: Optional[asyncio.Future] = None #: Set of unacked messages: that is messages that we started processing #: and that we MUST attempt to complete processing of, before #: shutting down or resuming a rebalance. _unacked_messages: MutableSet[Message] #: Time of last record batch received. #: Set only when not set, and reset by commit() so actually #: tracks how long it ago it was since we received a record that #: was never committed. _last_batch: Optional[float] #: Time of when the consumer was started. _time_start: float # How often to poll and track log end offsets. _end_offset_monitor_interval: float _commit_every: Optional[int] _n_acked: int = 0 def __init__(self, transport: TransportT, callback: ConsumerCallback, on_partitions_revoked: PartitionsRevokedCallback, on_partitions_assigned: PartitionsAssignedCallback, *, commit_interval: float = None, commit_livelock_soft_timeout: float = None, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None: assert callback is not None self.transport = transport = self.callback = callback self._on_message_in = self._on_partitions_revoked = on_partitions_revoked self._on_partitions_assigned = on_partitions_assigned self._commit_every = self.commit_interval = ( commit_interval or self.commit_livelock_soft_timeout = ( commit_livelock_soft_timeout or self._acked = defaultdict(list) self._acked_index = defaultdict(set) self._read_offset = defaultdict(lambda: None) self._committed_offset = defaultdict(lambda: None) self._unacked_messages = WeakSet() self._waiting_for_ack = None self._time_start = monotonic() self._last_batch = None self._end_offset_monitor_interval = self.commit_interval * 2 self.randomly_assigned_topics = set() super().__init__(loop=loop or self.transport.loop, **kwargs) @abc.abstractmethod async def _commit( self, offsets: Mapping[TP, Tuple[int, str]]) -> bool: # pragma: no cover ... @abc.abstractmethod def _new_topicpartition( self, topic: str, partition: int) -> TP: # pragma: no cover ... def _is_changelog_tp(self, tp: TP) -> bool: return tp.topic in
[docs] @Service.transitions_to(CONSUMER_PARTITIONS_ASSIGNED) async def on_partitions_assigned(self, assigned: Set[TP]) -> None: await self._on_partitions_assigned(assigned)
[docs] @Service.transitions_to(CONSUMER_PARTITIONS_REVOKED) async def on_partitions_revoked(self, revoked: Set[TP]) -> None: await self._on_partitions_revoked(revoked)
[docs] def track_message(self, message: Message) -> None: # add to set of pending messages that must be acked for graceful # shutdown. This is called by transport.Conductor, # before delivering messages to streams. self._unacked_messages.add(message) # call sensors self._on_message_in(, message.offset, message)
[docs] def ack(self, message: Message) -> bool: if not message.acked: message.acked = True tp = offset = message.offset if committed = self._committed_offset[tp] try: if committed is None or offset > committed: acked_index = self._acked_index[tp] if offset not in acked_index: self._unacked_messages.discard(message) acked_index.add(offset) acked_for_tp = self._acked[tp] acked_for_tp.append(offset) self._n_acked += 1 return True finally: notify(self._waiting_for_ack) return False
[docs] @Service.transitions_to(CONSUMER_WAIT_EMPTY) async def wait_empty(self) -> None: """Wait for all messages that started processing to be acked.""" wait_count = 0 while not self.should_stop and self._unacked_messages: wait_count += 1 if not wait_count % 100_000: # pragma: no cover remaining = [(m.refcount, m) for m in self._unacked_messages] self.log.warn(f'Waiting for {remaining}')'STILL WAITING FOR ALL STREAMS TO FINISH')'WAITING FOR %r EVENTS', len(self._unacked_messages)) gc.collect() await self.commit() if not self._unacked_messages: break # arm future so that `ack()` can wake us up self._waiting_for_ack = asyncio.Future(loop=self.loop) try: # wait for `ack()` to wake us up asyncio.wait_for( self._waiting_for_ack, loop=self.loop, timeout=1) except (asyncio.TimeoutError, asyncio.CancelledError): # pragma: no cover pass finally: self._waiting_for_ack = None'COMMITTING AGAIN AFTER STREAMS DONE') await self.commit()
[docs] async def on_stop(self) -> None: if await self.wait_empty() self._last_batch = None
@Service.task async def _commit_handler(self) -> None: await self.sleep(self.commit_interval) while not self.should_stop: await self.commit() await self.sleep(self.commit_interval) @Service.task async def _commit_livelock_detector(self) -> None: # pragma: no cover soft_timeout = self.commit_livelock_soft_timeout interval: float = self.commit_interval * 2.5 await self.sleep(interval) while not self.should_stop: if self._last_batch is not None: s_since_batch = monotonic() - self._last_batch if s_since_batch > soft_timeout: self.log.warn( 'Possible livelock: COMMIT OFFSET NOT ADVANCING') await self.sleep(interval)
[docs] async def commit( self, topics: TPorTopicSet = None) -> bool: # pragma: no cover """Maybe commit the offset for all or specific topics. Arguments: topics: Set containing topics and/or TopicPartitions to commit. """ if await self.maybe_wait_for_commit_to_finish(): # original commit finished, return False as we did not commit return False self._commit_fut = asyncio.Future(loop=self.loop) try: return await self.force_commit(topics) finally: # set commit_fut to None so that next call will commit. fut, self._commit_fut = self._commit_fut, None # notify followers that the commit is done. if fut is not None and not fut.done(): fut.set_result(None)
[docs] async def maybe_wait_for_commit_to_finish(self) -> bool: # Only one coroutine allowed to commit at a time, # and other coroutines should wait for the original commit to finish # then do nothing. if self._commit_fut is not None: # something is already committing so wait for that future. try: await self._commit_fut except asyncio.CancelledError: # if future is cancelled we have to start new commit pass else: return True return False
[docs] @Service.transitions_to(CONSUMER_COMMITTING) async def force_commit(self, topics: TPorTopicSet = None) -> bool: sensor_state = # Go over the ack list in each topic/partition commit_tps = list(self._filter_tps_with_pending_acks(topics)) did_commit = await self._commit_tps(commit_tps), sensor_state) return did_commit
async def _commit_tps(self, tps: Iterable[TP]) -> bool: commit_offsets = self._filter_committable_offsets(tps) if commit_offsets: try: # send all messages attached to the new offset await self._handle_attached(commit_offsets) except ProducerSendError as exc: await self.crash(exc) else: return await self._commit_offsets(commit_offsets) return False def _filter_committable_offsets(self, tps: Iterable[TP]) -> Dict[TP, int]: commit_offsets = {} for tp in tps: # Find the latest offset we can commit in this tp offset = self._new_offset(tp) # check if we can commit to this offset if offset is not None and self._should_commit(tp, offset): commit_offsets[tp] = offset return commit_offsets async def _handle_attached(self, commit_offsets: Mapping[TP, int]) -> None: for tp, offset in commit_offsets.items(): app = cast(App, attachments = app._attachments producer = app.producer # Start publishing the messages and return a list of pending # futures. pending = await attachments.publish_for_tp_offset(tp, offset) # then we wait for either # 1) all the attached messages to be published, or # 2) the producer crashing # # If the producer crashes we will not be able to send any messages # and it only crashes when there's an irrecoverable error. # # If we cannot commit it means the events will be processed again, # so conforms to at-least-once semantics. if pending: await producer.wait_many(pending) async def _commit_offsets(self, commit_offsets: Mapping[TP, int]) -> bool: meta = '' return await self._commit({ tp: (offset, meta) for tp, offset in commit_offsets.items() }) def _filter_tps_with_pending_acks( self, topics: TPorTopicSet = None) -> Iterator[TP]: return (tp for tp in self._acked if topics is None or tp in topics or tp.topic in topics) def _should_commit(self, tp: TP, offset: int) -> bool: committed = self._committed_offset[tp] return committed is None or bool(offset) and offset > committed def _new_offset(self, tp: TP) -> Optional[int]: # get the new offset for this tp, by going through # its list of acked messages. acked = self._acked[tp] # We iterate over it until we find a gap # then return the offset before that. # For example if acked[tp] is: # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 # the return value will be: 9 # If acked[tp] is: # 34 35 36 40 41 42 43 44 # ^--- gap # the return value will be: 36 if acked: acked.sort() # Note: acked is always kept sorted. # find first list of consecutive numbers batch = next(consecutive_numbers(acked)) # remove them from the list to clean up. acked[:len(batch)] = [] self._acked_index[tp].difference_update(batch) # return the highest commit offset return batch[-1] return None
[docs] async def on_task_error(self, exc: BaseException) -> None: await self.commit()
async def _drain_messages( self, fetcher: ServiceT) -> None: # pragma: no cover # This is the background thread started by Fetcher, used to # constantly read messages using Consumer.getmany. # It takes Fetcher as argument, because we must be able to # stop it using `await Fetcher.stop()`. callback = self.callback getmany = self.getmany consumer_should_stop = self._stopped.is_set fetcher_should_stop = fetcher._stopped.is_set get_read_offset = self._read_offset.__getitem__ set_read_offset = self._read_offset.__setitem__ flag_consumer_fetching = CONSUMER_FETCHING set_flag = self.diag.set_flag unset_flag = self.diag.unset_flag commit_every = self._commit_every try: while not (consumer_should_stop() or fetcher_should_stop()): set_flag(flag_consumer_fetching) ait = cast(AsyncIterator, getmany(timeout=5.0)) # Sleeping because sometimes getmany is called in a loop # never releasing to the event loop await self.sleep(0) async for tp, message in ait: offset = message.offset r_offset = get_read_offset(tp) if r_offset is None or offset > r_offset: if commit_every is not None: if self._n_acked >= commit_every: self._n_acked = 0 await self.commit() await callback(message) set_read_offset(tp, offset) else:'DROPPED MESSAGE ROFF %r: k=%r v=%r', offset, message.key, message.value) unset_flag(flag_consumer_fetching) except self.consumer_stopped_errors: if # we're already stopping so ignore'Broker stopped consumer, shutting down...') return raise except asyncio.CancelledError: if # we're already stopping so ignore'Consumer shutting down for user cancel.') return raise except Exception as exc: self.log.exception('Drain messages raised: %r', exc) raise finally: unset_flag(flag_consumer_fetching)
[docs] def close(self) -> None: ...
@property def unacked(self) -> Set[Message]: return cast(Set[Message], self._unacked_messages)