Source code for faust.transport.conductor

"""The conductor delegates messages from the consumer to the streams."""
import asyncio
import typing
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import (
from mode import Service, get_logger
from mode.utils.futures import notify

from faust.exceptions import KeyDecodeError, ValueDecodeError
from faust.types import AppT, EventT, K, Message, TP, V
from faust.types.topics import TopicT
from faust.types.transports import ConductorT, ConsumerCallback, TPorTopicSet
from faust.types.tuples import tp_set_to_map

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from import App
    from faust.topics import Topic
    class App: ...  # noqa
    class Topic: ...  # noqa

__all__ = ['Conductor', 'ConductorCompiler']

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class ConductorCompiler: # pragma: no cover
[docs] def build(self, conductor: 'Conductor', tp: TP, channels: MutableSet[Topic]) -> ConsumerCallback: # This method localizes variables and attribute access # for better performance. This is part of the inner loop # of a Faust worker, so tiny improvements here has big impact. topic, partition = tp app = on_topic_buffer_full = app.sensors.on_topic_buffer_full acquire_flow_control: Callable = app.flow_control.acquire len_: Callable[[Any], int] = len async def on_message(message: Message) -> None: # when a message is received we find all channels # that subscribe to this message await acquire_flow_control() channels_n = len_(channels) if channels_n: # we increment the reference count for this message in bulk # immediately, so that nothing will get a chance to decref to # zero before we've had the chance to pass it to all channels message.incref(channels_n) event: Optional[EventT] = None event_keyid: Optional[Tuple[K, V]] = None # forward message to all channels subscribing to this topic # keep track of the number of channels we delivered to, # so that if a DecodeError is raised we can propagate # that errors to the remaining channels. delivered: Set[Topic] = set() full: List[Tuple[EventT, Topic]] = [] try: for chan in channels: keyid = chan.key_type, chan.value_type if event is None: # first channel deserializes the payload: event = await chan.decode(message, propagate=True) event_keyid = keyid queue = chan.queue if queue.full(): full.append((event, chan)) continue queue.put_nowait(event) else: # subsequent channels may have a different # key/value type pair, meaning they all can # deserialize the message in different ways dest_event: EventT if keyid == event_keyid: # Reuse the event if it uses the same keypair: dest_event = event else: dest_event = await chan.decode( message, propagate=True) queue = chan.queue if queue.full(): full.append((dest_event, chan)) continue queue.put_nowait(dest_event) delivered.add(chan) if full: for _, dest_chan in full: on_topic_buffer_full(dest_chan) await asyncio.wait( [dest_chan.put(dest_event) for dest_event, dest_chan in full], return_when=asyncio.ALL_COMPLETED, ) except KeyDecodeError as exc: remaining = channels - delivered message.ack(app.consumer, n=len(remaining)) for channel in remaining: await channel.on_key_decode_error(exc, message) delivered.add(channel) except ValueDecodeError as exc: remaining = channels - delivered message.ack(app.consumer, n=len(remaining)) for channel in remaining: await channel.on_value_decode_error(exc, message) delivered.add(channel) return on_message
[docs]class Conductor(ConductorT, Service): """Manages the channels that subscribe to topics. - Consumes messages from topic using a single consumer. - Forwards messages to all channels subscribing to a topic. """ logger = logger #: Fast index to see if Topic is registered. _topics: MutableSet[TopicT] #: Map of (topic,partition) to set of channels that subscribe to that TP. _tp_index: MutableMapping[TP, MutableSet[TopicT]] #: Map str topic name to set of channels that subscribe #: to that topic. _topic_name_index: MutableMapping[str, MutableSet[TopicT]] #: For every TP assigned we compile a callback closure, #: and when we receive a message to a TP we look up which callback #: to call here. _tp_to_callback: MutableMapping[TP, ConsumerCallback] #: Whenever a change is made, i.e. a Topic is added/removed, we notify #: the background task responsible for resubscribing. _subscription_changed: Optional[asyncio.Event] _subscription_done: Optional[asyncio.Future] _acking_topics: Set[str] _compiler: ConductorCompiler #: We wait for 45 seconds after a resubscription request, to make #: sure any later requests are handled at the same time. _resubscribe_sleep_lock_seconds: float = 45.0 def __init__(self, app: AppT, **kwargs: Any) -> None: Service.__init__(self, **kwargs) = app self._topics = set() self._topic_name_index = defaultdict(set) self._tp_index = defaultdict(set) self._tp_to_callback = {} self._acking_topics = set() self._subscription_changed = None self._subscription_done = None self._compiler = ConductorCompiler() # we compile the closure used for receive messages # (this just optimizes symbol lookups, localizing variables etc). self.on_message: ConsumerCallback self.on_message = self._compile_message_handler()
[docs] async def commit(self, topics: TPorTopicSet) -> bool: return await
[docs] def acks_enabled_for(self, topic: str) -> bool: return topic in self._acking_topics
def _compile_message_handler(self) -> ConsumerCallback: # This method localizes variables and attribute access # for better performance. This is part of the inner loop # of a Faust worker, so tiny improvements here has big impact. get_callback_for_tp = self._tp_to_callback.__getitem__ async def on_message(message: Message) -> None: return await get_callback_for_tp( return on_message @Service.task async def _subscriber(self) -> None: # pragma: no cover # the first time we start, we will wait two seconds # to give agents a chance to start up and register their # streams. This way we won't have N subscription requests at the # start. await self.sleep(2.0) # tell the consumer to subscribe to the topics. await self._update_indices()) notify(self._subscription_done) # Now we wait for changes ev = self._subscription_changed = asyncio.Event(loop=self.loop) while not self.should_stop: # Wait for something to add/remove topics from subscription. await ev.wait() if # we do not want to perform a resubscribe if the application # is rebalancing. ev.clear() else: # The change could be in reaction to something like "all agents # restarting", in that case it would be bad if we resubscribe # over and over, so we wait for 45 seconds to make sure any # further subscription requests will happen during the same # rebalance. await self.sleep(self._resubscribe_sleep_lock_seconds) subscribed_topics = await self._update_indices() await # clear the subscription_changed flag, so we can wait on it again. ev.clear() # wake-up anything waiting for the subscription to be done. notify(self._subscription_done)
[docs] async def wait_for_subscriptions(self) -> None: if self._subscription_done is not None: await self._subscription_done
async def _update_indices(self) -> Iterable[str]: self._topic_name_index.clear() self._tp_to_callback.clear() for channel in self._topics: if channel.internal: await channel.maybe_declare() for topic in channel.topics: if channel.acks: self._acking_topics.add(topic) self._topic_name_index[topic].add(channel) return self._topic_name_index
[docs] async def on_partitions_assigned(self, assigned: Set[TP]) -> None: self._tp_index.clear() self._update_tp_index(assigned) self._update_callback_map()
def _update_tp_index(self, assigned: Set[TP]) -> None: assignmap = tp_set_to_map(assigned) tp_index = self._tp_index for topic in self._topics: if topic.active_partitions is not None: # Isolated Partitions: One agent per partition. if topic.active_partitions: assert topic.active_partitions.issubset(assigned) for tp in topic.active_partitions: tp_index[tp].add(topic) else: # Default: One agent receives messages for all partitions. for subtopic in topic.topics: for tp in assignmap[subtopic]: tp_index[tp].add(topic) def _update_callback_map(self) -> None: self._tp_to_callback.update( (tp,, tp, cast(MutableSet[Topic], channels))) for tp, channels in self._tp_index.items() )
[docs] async def on_partitions_revoked(self, revoked: Set[TP]) -> None: self._tp_index.clear()
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: self._topics.clear() self._topic_name_index.clear() self._tp_index.clear() self._tp_to_callback.clear() self._acking_topics.clear()
def __contains__(self, value: Any) -> bool: return value in self._topics def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[TopicT]: return iter(self._topics) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._topics) def __hash__(self) -> int: return object.__hash__(self)
[docs] def add(self, topic: Any) -> None: if topic not in self._topics: self._topics.add(topic) if self._topic_contain_unsubscribed_topics(topic): self._flag_changes()
def _topic_contain_unsubscribed_topics(self, topic: TopicT) -> bool: index = self._topic_name_index return bool(index and any(t not in index for t in topic.topics))
[docs] def discard(self, topic: Any) -> None: self._topics.discard(topic)
def _flag_changes(self) -> None: if self._subscription_changed is not None: self._subscription_changed.set() if self._subscription_done is None: self._subscription_done = asyncio.Future(loop=self.loop) @property def label(self) -> str: return f'{type(self).__name__}({len(self._topics)})' @property def shortlabel(self) -> str: return type(self).__name__