Source code for faust.cli.worker

"""Program ``faust worker`` used to start application from console."""
import os
import platform
import socket
import typing
from typing import Any, Iterable, Optional

import click
from mode.utils.imports import symbol_by_name
from mode.utils.logging import level_name
from yarl import URL

from .base import AppCommand, TCPPort, WritableFilePath, option

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from faust.worker import Worker
    class Worker: ...   # noqa

__all__ = ['worker']

FAUST = 'ƒaµS†'

# XXX mypy borks if we do `from faust import __version`.
faust_version: str = symbol_by_name('faust:__version__')



class CaseInsensitiveChoice(click.Choice):

    def __init__(self, choices: Iterable[Any]) -> None:
        self.choices = [str(val).lower() for val in choices]

    def convert(self,
                value: str,
                param: Optional[click.Parameter],
                ctx: Optional[click.Context]) -> Any:
        if value.lower() in self.choices:
            return value
        return super().convert(value, param, ctx)

[docs]class worker(AppCommand): """Start ƒaust worker instance.""" options = [ option('--logfile', '-f', default=None, type=WritableFilePath, help='Path to logfile (default is <stderr>).'), option('--loglevel', '-l', default=DEFAULT_LOGLEVEL, type=CaseInsensitiveChoice(LOGLEVELS), help='Logging level to use.'), option('--blocking-timeout', default=BLOCKING_TIMEOUT, type=float, help='Blocking detector timeout (requires --debug).'), option('--web-port', '-p', default=WEB_PORT, type=TCPPort(), help='Port to run web server on.'), option('--web-bind', '-b', default=WEB_BIND, type=str), option('--web-host', '-h', default=socket.gethostname(), type=str, help='Canonical host name for the web server.'), option('--console-port', default=50101, type=TCPPort(), help='(when --debug:) Port to run debugger console on.'), ] def __call__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: return self.start_worker( *self.args + args, **{**self.kwargs, **kwargs})
[docs] def start_worker(self, logfile: str, loglevel: str, blocking_timeout: float, web_port: int, web_bind: str, web_host: str, console_port: int) -> Any: = URL(f'http://{web_host}:{web_port}') worker = debug=self.debug, quiet=self.quiet, logfile=logfile, loglevel=loglevel, web_port=web_port, web_bind=web_bind, web_host=web_host, console_port=console_port, ) self.say(self.banner(worker)) return worker.execute_from_commandline()
[docs] def banner(self, worker: Worker) -> str: """Generate the text banner emitted before the worker starts.""" app = loop = worker.loop website = transport_extra = '' # uvloop didn't leave us with any way to identify itself, # and also there's no uvloop.__version__ attribute. if loop.__class__.__module__ == 'uvloop': transport_extra = '+uvloop' if 'gevent' in loop.__class__.__module__: transport_extra = '+gevent' logfile = worker.logfile if worker.logfile else '-stderr-' loglevel = level_name(worker.loglevel or 'WARN').lower() data = [ ('id',, ('transport', f'{} {transport_extra}'), ('store',, ('web', website.web.url), ('log', f'{logfile} ({loglevel})'), ('pid', f'{os.getpid()}'), ('hostname', f'{socket.gethostname()}'), ('platform', self.platform()), ('drivers', '{transport_v} {http_v}'.format( transport_v=app.transport.driver_version, http_v=website.web.driver_version)), ('datadir', f'{str(app.conf.datadir.absolute()):<40}'), ('appdir', f'{str(app.conf.appdir.absolute()):<40}'), ] table = self.table( [(self.bold(x), y) for x, y in data], title=self.faust_ident(), ) table.inner_heading_row_border = False table.inner_row_border = False return table.table
[docs] def faust_ident(self) -> str: return self.color('hiblue', f'{FAUST} v{faust_version}')
[docs] def platform(self) -> str: return '{py_imp} {py_version} ({system} {machine})'.format( py_imp=platform.python_implementation(), py_version=platform.python_version(), system=platform.system(), machine=platform.machine(), )